Accessories being blurry on R6 avatars even tho they appear fine on website

This is intended behaviour, the compositor down samples all the textures into one image to save on memory and help performance.
This could be alleviated by the UGC creator by optimizing the UVs


This is a fundamental issue with how r6 abatars are rendered; the only way to avoid blurry accessories on r6 is to use the r15 to r6 converter or not use r6 at all.

A workaround can be to copy the handle to workspace and weld it onto the original (make the original transparent ofc)


Perhaps it is but this should still be resolved, a good amount of Roblox players and games are r6 and the game shouldn’t try to abandon its roots by phasing it out.


I actually remember talking to an engineer about this exact issue via a PM about 3 years ago (May 2021!). They called it a “humanoid texture compositor bug” and filed a ticket into the internal database for it. Even though it’s been awhile, @Osyris was any progress made on this bug or any decision made on it? Was it considered obsolete due to the development of the R6 to R15 Adapter? Thank you!


Here I just made a temporary fix for R6 quality accessories for your game. Just implement this script and it’ll fix the issue until Roblox does.


Sorry about that. You can find it here. Roblox R6 UGC Quality Fix

Roblox seriously need to do something about this.


“Dont use R6” is not an excuse for Roblox to not fix this bug. If I paid for an item I expect to receive it as such, not 80% of the item, not 50% of the item.


R6 is depreciated
If a game has low resolution r6 accessories in it, its because the developer has chosen to have the avatars look like that, consciously or not.
Many devs use r6 intentionally for games targeted at low performance mobile devices because the smaller low resoltuion textures use less ram and result in less phones crashing; having higher resolution r6 textures would cause massive issues for those developers and their game.

The performance difference r15 vs r6 is negligible. iirc roblox blacklisted avatars from having above 512x512 textures years ago since it crashed A5 devices with 512mb of ram in 2019. That must have been lifted recently but only on R15. Those devices would crash if you had more than 5 particle emitters.

That seems just really convenient that they “forgot” to change the r6 textures back to normal considering it’s what around 85% of the users use when given the choice between the two, considering they’ve been trying to push people away from what makes their platform recognizable for over half a decade now. Wouldn’t you agree?

Deprecated* or not, it’s a shitty (If not illegal!) practice to sell people something that looks HORRIBLE when they go to actually use it without any warning, just because you don’t like people using the classic avatars instead of the hideously uncanny abominations they try and pedal to everyone.


You’d probably be surprised to learn Roblox still functions worse on polling rates over 125

  1. Deprecated
  2. Incorrect, it is not.

This is a joke right? First of all most developers use it as a design choice. Second of all, low performance phones might not be the target audience of their game.


i mean technically them using a ~1024x1024 texture for the R6 characters was at one point a limitation
R15 would still have this issue too if it weren’t for their catalog item makers noticing their fancy bundles being low quality most likely

Anyone has yet to simply explain how this is a “limitation” when it’s very obviously NOT a real thing, considering that R15 and R6 use the same head head mesh and the hat geometry stays the same if its worn on either option. It’s the same mesh and it displays differently. Maybe you need to explain it to me like I’m five years old to understand it so why don’t you?

R6 and R15 work differently, they’re not the same. This is not an issue. R6 renders differently.

This is a issue to me and I honestly don’t care that they’re different. I pay for a item I want the item. It’s as simple as that.

On top of that it clearly isn’t a problem for Roblox to render the items normally on R6. Sometimes when I join games the items are full quality, other times they’re blurry. The only change I want is for the items to load normally 100% of the time, not just sometimes.


export a roblox character in studio as an OBJ
notice how R15 and R6 texture maps are laid out in completely different ways and R15 ones are larger

Yeah it kind of is an issue because they aren’t providing what was purchased.

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I’d love for this to get fixed, but don’t get your hopes up. Roblox has publically stated they won’t be making changes to R6. This issue is caused by SpecialMeshes being used for R6 accessories rather than MeshParts, which notably don’t have this issue. You can fix this in your own games by converting R6 accessories to MeshParts and that should fix any visual discrepancies this causes.

Check out this forum post for an in-game fix.

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