Accessories being blurry on R6 avatars even tho they appear fine on website

Several items appear very pixelated when they are applied on a R6 avatar, meanwhile on R15 avatars they look completly fine. They also look fine in the avatar creator on the roblox website when they are applied to R6 avatars but look completly different in game.

The item I have first noticed it on:
(on catalog):

(in-game on R6 avatar):

Links to a few items this happens with:


Theres many more items which this happens with, too many to put them all in here.

Expected behavior

I expect it to be the same quality as it appeared on the catalog, no matter if I have a R6 or R15 avatar. Otherwise I did not get in my inventory what I originally paid for.


This is just an acknowledgement reply!

We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and will follow up when we have updates!

Thanks for the report!


This is intended behaviour, the compositor down samples all the textures into one image to save on memory and help performance.
This could be alleviated by the UGC creator by optimizing the UVs

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This is a fundamental issue with how r6 abatars are rendered; the only way to avoid blurry accessories on r6 is to use the r15 to r6 converter or not use r6 at all.

A workaround can be to copy the handle to workspace and weld it onto the original (make the original transparent ofc)

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Perhaps it is but this should still be resolved, a good amount of Roblox players and games are r6 and the game shouldn’t try to abandon its roots by phasing it out.


I actually remember talking to an engineer about this exact issue via a PM about 3 years ago (May 2021!). They called it a “humanoid texture compositor bug” and filed a ticket into the internal database for it. Even though it’s been awhile, @Osyris was any progress made on this bug or any decision made on it? Was it considered obsolete due to the development of the R6 to R15 Adapter? Thank you!

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Here I just made a temporary fix for R6 quality accessories for your game. Just implement this script and it’ll fix the issue until Roblox does.

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Sorry about that. You can find it here. Roblox R6 UGC Quality Fix

Roblox seriously need to do something about this.