Hello! I have been working on a custom cat that can take your avatar’s outfit and put it onto the cat. But, my issue is that the accessories that I have put onto the cat from my own avatar doesn’t move with my cat’s animations. The items seem to be attached to the cat, but just not moving. Im not a big scipter, but I will take scripting suggestions too!
Characteristics Of The Cat
20 mesh parts
Same as R15 with the exception of the tail (1), ears (2), and eyes (2) parts.
44 bones
Examples & Pictures
I tried to do a little head bobbing animation as well, just to see if it was my animations.
I believe all items/accessories need to be added to your armature and weight painted and parented to the bone you’d want it to move with within whatever 3D program you’re using.
That’s what I ended up doing, but we have to import each and every item we want and weight pain it. It’s not as efficient as just scripting a roblox item to load in and weld it, but it works. Thank you anyways though.