"Accessory Fitting Tool" bug

When I use “Accessory Fitting Tool” in an unsaved game I have the layered clothing displayed normally, and when I do it in a saved game the layered clothing does not display normally

Reproduction Step:

  1. Open “Accessory Fitting Tool” in a saved game
  2. Take any mesh and select there then go to the “layered Clothing” section and select the one you want

Here are some video examples:

  • Unsaved game

  • Saved game


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for flagging!


My suspicion is this is a bug avatar previewer had to work around as well. Turning off Team Create would fix it if that suspicion is correct.

Do you have access to the newer Avatar Previewer tool? Our hope is that it eventually replicates the same behavior of the AFT but better.


Yes, I have access to Avatar Preview tool