Accessory Importer Plugin:
Easily import Accessories into studio, all that is required is the asset id.
Cleans up the model from any: welds, touch interests, Thumbnail configuration, etc.
Provides a 3d preview of the asset before you import it.
Note: This is a early version of the plugin, tweaks will be made in the future.
Install the plugin
Go to the ROBLOX catalog and find the item you want:
I will be using this item as a example:
Find the URL of the item and copy the asset id.
Open Studio and click on the plugin:
Paste in the id:
Now press the enter key or click out of the textbox.
If you want to delete the welds and other items, select the ‘cleanup’ button.Finally, press import and it is imported into studio.
– Download: Plugin
Want the source code?
– Download: AccessoryImporter.rbxmx (44.2 KB)
Accessory with ‘Cleanup’ enabled:
Accessory without ‘Cleanup’ disabled: