Accessory position isn't correct when Humanoid:ApplyDescription() is run on a Character that is parented under a Viewport Frame

Applying a humanoid description with a hat accessory value on it on a rig that is parented under workspace will work as expected.
However doing the same while the rig is in a gui will cause the position of the accessory to be off.

An example with the Paper Hat (10476359) accessory will result in its position being above the player slightly behind.

Expected behavior

The accessory’s position should be applied on any rig’s humanoid, this should apply on a rig that is under viewport frame.


I believe this could be intended as long as you don’t have a WorldModel? The whole reason why accessories attach to a character after you add the accessory is because of their Weld afaik which isn’t evaluated in a ViewportFrame because physics isn’t enabled without a WorldModel.

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Thanks for your response as this did fix the issue, however i don’t see why having the model be physics based just to apply an accessory is a thing. This fix should serve as a workaround for this issue.

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