The AvatarEditorService:GetAvatarRules() method used to contain AccessoryRefinementUpperBounds and AccessoryRefinementLowerBounds for all rigid accessory asset types.
But around 1-2 weeks ago, the bounds which were previously defined for Hair and Waist accessory types (+ maybe more) were removed without any API change notice or warning. This was really frustrating, as it completely broke the avatar refinement system within Catalog Avatar Creator
Hi @ItsMuneeeb, thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback! We sincerely apologize for the frustration caused by this change. Our intent was to align AccessoryRefinementUpperBounds and AccessoryRefinementLowerBounds with AccessoryRefinementTypes in the same response, as these are the only types we allow avatars to be saved with. Moving forward, we will strive to be more transparent when making changes like this to avoid disruptions. Thank you again for the feedback.