AccessoryService - Delete Big Accessories and More!


AccessoryService allows you to do many accessory related tasks. This includes removing large avatar accessories, fetching a player’s accessory data, and giving a player accessories.

Documentation is included in the module script

This is my first resource! Any suggestions on post and documentation formatting would be greatly appreciated!

Why Use AccessoryService?

AccessoryService has many benefits such as:

  • User-friendly and can be edited easily.
  • Provides a simplified way of managing Accessories.
  • Can be used for improved gameplay experience(e.i. removing large items)

Other Notes:

  • Feel free to edit the module as you please!
  • Inside the module, you can change the variable “PrintSettings” to true to allow you to see various processes in action.
  • I’m open for suggestions for future updates and please report any bugs!

Example Code

This script uses AccessoryService to remove a player’s oversized accessories when they join the game!

-- This script will not save removed accessories upon death
local AccessoryService = require(game.ServerScriptService.AccessoryService)
local PlayerService = game:GetService("Players")

	local MaxSize = 2
	AccessoryService.CheckPlayer(player, MaxSize)

Copy and Paste Code Below For Module:




**Devforum Documentation**


	>Description: Retrieves the MeshId from the given accessory.
	>Parameters: Accessory (Instance) - The accessory instance to get the MeshId from.
	>Returns: string - The MeshId of the accessory, or nil if not found.

	>Description: Retrieves the TextureID from the given accessory.
	>Parameters: Accessory (Instance) - The accessory instance to get the TextureID from.
	>Returns: string - The TextureID of the accessory, or nil if not found.

	>Description: Calculates the volume of the mesh within the given accessory.
	>Parameters: Accessory (Instance) - The accessory instance to calculate the volume for.
	>Returns: number - The volume of the mesh.

	>Description: Checks all accessories on a player and removes those exceeding a specified volume.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player to check.
	>MaxVolume (number) - The maximum allowed volume for accessories.

	>Description: Removes all accessories from the specified player.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player from whom to remove all accessories.

	>Description: Removes all classic (non-layered) accessories from the specified player.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player from whom to remove classic accessories.

	>Description: Removes all layered accessories from the specified player.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player from whom to remove layered accessories.

	>Description: Loads an accessory from an asset ID and parents it to the specified parent.
	>Parameters: AssetId (number), Parent (Instance)
	>Returns: Instance - The loaded accessory.

	>Description: Removes a specific accessory by asset ID from the specified player.
	>Parameters: AssetId (number) - The asset ID of the accessory to remove.
	>Player (Player) - The player from whom to remove the specific accessory.

	>Description: Gives a specific accessory by asset ID to the specified player.
	>Parameters: AssetId (number) - The asset ID of the accessory to give.
	>Player (Player) - The player to whom to give the accessory.

	>Description: Lists all accessories a player currently has.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player whose accessories are to be listed.
	>Returns: table - A table containing the names of all accessories the player has.

	>Description: Retrieves all hat asset IDs from a player's accessories.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player whose hat IDs are to be retrieved.
	>Returns: table - A table containing all hat asset IDs.

	>Description: Retrieves all hair asset IDs from a player's accessories.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player whose hair IDs are to be retrieved.
	>Returns: table - A table containing all hair asset IDs.

----- PROGRAM -----

local AccessoryService = {}

-- Settings
local PrintResults = true

----- FUNCTIONS -----

-- Get Mesh Id from Accessory 
function AccessoryService.MeshIdFromAsseccory(Accessory)
	if not Accessory or not Accessory.Handle then return end
	-- Grab Handle Instance From Accessory
	local Mesh = Accessory.Handle
	if Mesh then
		return Mesh.MeshId

-- Get Texture Id from Accessory 
function AccessoryService.TextureIdFromAccessory(Accessory)
	if not Accessory or not Accessory.Handle then return end

	-- Grab Handle Instance From Accessory
	local Mesh = Accessory.Handle

	if Mesh then
		return Mesh.TextureID


-- Calculate Volume of Mesh
function AccessoryService.GetMeshVolume(Accessory)
	-- Get Size
	local OriginalSize
	-- Uses Original Size if Normal, Handle Size if Cageable
	if not Accessory.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WrapLayer") then
		OriginalSize = Accessory.Handle.OriginalSize.Value
		OriginalSize = Accessory.Handle.Size

	local X = OriginalSize.X
	local Y = OriginalSize.Y
	local Z = OriginalSize.Z
	-- Calculate Volume
	local Volume = X*Y*Z
	-- Print Results 
	if PrintResults == true then
		print(tostring(Accessory) .. "'s volume is around: " .. tostring(math.floor(Volume)))
	return Volume

-- Check Player Hats
function AccessoryService.CheckPlayer(Player, MaxVolume: number)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)
	--[[1. Loops through player's character
		2. Find Accessories
		3. Deletes If necessary]]
	for _,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then
			-- Checks If Accessory is a Layerd Clothing Piece
			--if v.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WrapLayer") and IncludeCageable == false then continue end
			-- Get Properties of Mesh
			local MeshVolume = AccessoryService.GetMeshVolume(v)
			-- Check Threshold, Then Deletes If Necessary
			if MeshVolume > MaxVolume then
				-- Print Results
				if PrintResults == true then
					print(tostring(v) .. "'s volume has exceeded given max volume. It has been deleted.")

-- Removes All Player's Accessories(including Layered Clothing)
function AccessoryService.RemoveAccessories(Player)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)

	-- Loops through player's character
	for _,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then

-- Only Removes Player's Classic Accessories
function AccessoryService.RemoveClassic(Player)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)

	-- Loops through player's character
	for _,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then
			-- Checks If Accessory is a Layerd Clothing Piece
			if v.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WrapLayer") then continue end


-- Only Removes Cageabled Accessories
function AccessoryService.RemoveLayered(Player)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)

	-- Loops through player's character
	for _,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then
			-- Checks If Accessory is a Layerd Clothing Piece
			if not v.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WrapLayer") then continue end


-- Import Accessory From Id
function AccessoryService.LoadAccessory(AssetId: number, Parent)
	-- Loads Asset
	local InsertedModel = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(AssetId)
	local Accessory
	-- Takes out Accessories from Inside Model
	for _,v in pairs(InsertedModel:GetChildren()) do
		v.Parent = Parent
		v.Handle.Locked = false
		-- Sets Accessory to v to be Returned
		Accessory = v
	return Accessory

-- Removes Specific Item
function AccessoryService.RemoveSpecific(AssetId: number, Player)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)
	-- Creates Instance For Checking
	local TestHat = AccessoryService.LoadAccessory(AssetId, game.ServerStorage)
	-- Loops Through Character, Deletes Hats
	for _,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then
			if v.Name == TestHat.Name then

-- Gives Item To Player
function AccessoryService.GiveToPlayer(AssetId: number, Player)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)
	-- Inserts Hat
	local Hat = AccessoryService.LoadAccessory(AssetId, Character)
	Hat.Parent = Character

-- Function to list all accessories a player has
function AccessoryService.ListAccessories(Player)
	-- Ensure the player's character exists
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)
	local Accessories = {}

	-- Iterate through the character's children
	for _, v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then
			table.insert(Accessories, v.Name)

	return Accessories

-- Get All Hat Asset Ids From Accessory Object	
function AccessoryService.GetAllHatIDs(Player)
	-- Get Data
	local HumanoidDescription = Player.Character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription
	local HatsList = HumanoidDescription.HatAccessory
	-- Deserialize HatsList
	local Deserialized = tostring(HatsList):split(",")
	return Deserialized

-- Get All Hair Asset Ids From Accessory Object	
function AccessoryService.GetAllHairIDs(Player)
	-- Get Data
	local HumanoidDescription = Player.Character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription
	local HairList = HumanoidDescription.HairAccessory

	-- Deserialize HatsList
	local Deserialized = tostring(HairList):split(",")

	return Deserialized

return AccessoryService


Amazing resource!

i have a suggestion though, allow the size to be more rectangular
Like im fine with tall hats but not wide hats so i’d want to have a higher height limit

1 Like

Sure! I’ll add that to my list!

Hello, Was just looking for something like this however. Its currently privated or locked. Thank you!

It appears the Module is not for sale.

Sorry everyone! I thought this post got buried after a while. Roblox removed distribution for the package, but here’s the source code for anyone interested(mind the comments):




**Devforum Documentation**


	>Description: Retrieves the MeshId from the given accessory.
	>Parameters: Accessory (Instance) - The accessory instance to get the MeshId from.
	>Returns: string - The MeshId of the accessory, or nil if not found.

	>Description: Retrieves the TextureID from the given accessory.
	>Parameters: Accessory (Instance) - The accessory instance to get the TextureID from.
	>Returns: string - The TextureID of the accessory, or nil if not found.

	>Description: Calculates the volume of the mesh within the given accessory.
	>Parameters: Accessory (Instance) - The accessory instance to calculate the volume for.
	>Returns: number - The volume of the mesh.

	>Description: Checks all accessories on a player and removes those exceeding a specified volume.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player to check.
	>MaxVolume (number) - The maximum allowed volume for accessories.

	>Description: Removes all accessories from the specified player.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player from whom to remove all accessories.

	>Description: Removes all classic (non-layered) accessories from the specified player.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player from whom to remove classic accessories.

	>Description: Removes all layered accessories from the specified player.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player from whom to remove layered accessories.

	>Description: Loads an accessory from an asset ID and parents it to the specified parent.
	>Parameters: AssetId (number), Parent (Instance)
	>Returns: Instance - The loaded accessory.

	>Description: Removes a specific accessory by asset ID from the specified player.
	>Parameters: AssetId (number) - The asset ID of the accessory to remove.
	>Player (Player) - The player from whom to remove the specific accessory.

	>Description: Gives a specific accessory by asset ID to the specified player.
	>Parameters: AssetId (number) - The asset ID of the accessory to give.
	>Player (Player) - The player to whom to give the accessory.

	>Description: Lists all accessories a player currently has.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player whose accessories are to be listed.
	>Returns: table - A table containing the names of all accessories the player has.

	>Description: Retrieves all hat asset IDs from a player's accessories.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player whose hat IDs are to be retrieved.
	>Returns: table - A table containing all hat asset IDs.

	>Description: Retrieves all hair asset IDs from a player's accessories.
	>Parameters: Player (Player) - The player whose hair IDs are to be retrieved.
	>Returns: table - A table containing all hair asset IDs.

----- PROGRAM -----

local AccessoryService = {}

-- Settings
local PrintResults = true

----- FUNCTIONS -----

-- Get Mesh Id from Accessory 
function AccessoryService.MeshIdFromAsseccory(Accessory)
	if not Accessory or not Accessory.Handle then return end
	-- Grab Handle Instance From Accessory
	local Mesh = Accessory.Handle
	if Mesh then
		return Mesh.MeshId

-- Get Texture Id from Accessory 
function AccessoryService.TextureIdFromAccessory(Accessory)
	if not Accessory or not Accessory.Handle then return end

	-- Grab Handle Instance From Accessory
	local Mesh = Accessory.Handle

	if Mesh then
		return Mesh.TextureID


-- Calculate Volume of Mesh
function AccessoryService.GetMeshVolume(Accessory)
	-- Get Size
	local OriginalSize
	-- Uses Original Size if Normal, Handle Size if Cageable
	if not Accessory.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WrapLayer") then
		OriginalSize = Accessory.Handle.OriginalSize.Value
		OriginalSize = Accessory.Handle.Size

	local X = OriginalSize.X
	local Y = OriginalSize.Y
	local Z = OriginalSize.Z
	-- Calculate Volume
	local Volume = X*Y*Z
	-- Print Results 
	if PrintResults == true then
		print(tostring(Accessory) .. "'s volume is around: " .. tostring(math.floor(Volume)))
	return Volume

-- Check Player Hats
function AccessoryService.CheckPlayer(Player, MaxVolume: number)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)
	--[[1. Loops through player's character
		2. Find Accessories
		3. Deletes If necessary]]
	for _,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then
			-- Checks If Accessory is a Layerd Clothing Piece
			--if v.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WrapLayer") and IncludeCageable == false then continue end
			-- Get Properties of Mesh
			local MeshVolume = AccessoryService.GetMeshVolume(v)
			-- Check Threshold, Then Deletes If Necessary
			if MeshVolume > MaxVolume then
				-- Print Results
				if PrintResults == true then
					print(tostring(v) .. "'s volume has exceeded given max volume. It has been deleted.")

-- Removes All Player's Accessories(including Layered Clothing)
function AccessoryService.RemoveAccessories(Player)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)

	-- Loops through player's character
	for _,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then

-- Only Removes Player's Classic Accessories
function AccessoryService.RemoveClassic(Player)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)

	-- Loops through player's character
	for _,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then
			-- Checks If Accessory is a Layerd Clothing Piece
			if v.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WrapLayer") then continue end


-- Only Removes Cageabled Accessories
function AccessoryService.RemoveLayered(Player)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)

	-- Loops through player's character
	for _,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then
			-- Checks If Accessory is a Layerd Clothing Piece
			if not v.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WrapLayer") then continue end


-- Import Accessory From Id
function AccessoryService.LoadAccessory(AssetId: number, Parent)
	-- Loads Asset
	local InsertedModel = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(AssetId)
	local Accessory
	-- Takes out Accessories from Inside Model
	for _,v in pairs(InsertedModel:GetChildren()) do
		v.Parent = Parent
		v.Handle.Locked = false
		-- Sets Accessory to v to be Returned
		Accessory = v
	return Accessory

-- Removes Specific Item
function AccessoryService.RemoveSpecific(AssetId: number, Player)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)
	-- Creates Instance For Checking
	local TestHat = AccessoryService.LoadAccessory(AssetId, game.ServerStorage)
	-- Loops Through Character, Deletes Hats
	for _,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then
			if v.Name == TestHat.Name then

-- Gives Item To Player
function AccessoryService.GiveToPlayer(AssetId: number, Player)
	-- Grab Players Character
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)
	-- Inserts Hat
	local Hat = AccessoryService.LoadAccessory(AssetId, Character)
	Hat.Parent = Character

-- Function to list all accessories a player has
function AccessoryService.ListAccessories(Player)
	-- Ensure the player's character exists
	local Character = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name)
	local Accessories = {}

	-- Iterate through the character's children
	for _, v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") then
			table.insert(Accessories, v.Name)

	return Accessories

-- Get All Hat Asset Ids From Accessory Object	
function AccessoryService.GetAllHatIDs(Player)
	-- Get Data
	local HumanoidDescription = Player.Character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription
	local HatsList = HumanoidDescription.HatAccessory
	-- Deserialize HatsList
	local Deserialized = tostring(HatsList):split(",")
	return Deserialized

-- Get All Hair Asset Ids From Accessory Object	
function AccessoryService.GetAllHairIDs(Player)
	-- Get Data
	local HumanoidDescription = Player.Character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription
	local HairList = HumanoidDescription.HairAccessory

	-- Deserialize HatsList
	local Deserialized = tostring(HairList):split(",")

	return Deserialized

return AccessoryService