Accidental UGC Copy

So I was thinking of uploading a UGC item to my group and i thought of making a DIY epic face
and then 30 minutes or so after uploading it i realized it was very similar to another UGC item so i took mine offsale, i don’t understand why me coming up with the same idea as someone else and making it myself could get me in trouble when there are MANY fake limited items being sold on the catalog and roblox does nothing about them.


So…what exactly do you need help with?


I’m wondering if I am allowed to put it back on sale or not because it seems unfair to me

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iirc Roblox themselves ran into legal issue with the copyright holder of the awesome face image, so you may have a larger copyright problem than another UGC artist making a similar hat. Aside from that, if it’s not a direct clone of the other person’s paper bag it would be difficult for them to make any legal claim, a bag with a face drawn is not a novel concept, Roblox already did it for years

This is the other group’s hat

The image of my hat is above in the first post
It is the same idea, a bag with the epic face drawn on it but mine isn’t a direct copy so would I be able to put mine back on sale or is it a bad idea?

I would keep it off sale and prevent risking anything. :grimacing:
You had good intentions, but apparently the epic face is copyrighted(?) AND it very closely resembles the other groups hat. This can be the kind of stuff that will most definitely lead to your accounts deletion, not to mention people on X might throw a fit and report your item. Better play it safe and keep it off sale.

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