Accidentally deleted thumbnail video despite not saving changes?

I recently added a thumbnail to my game but ended up removing some others that I did not need, that included one video I spent 500 Robux to add but I unknowingly removed it because the icon was not loading in, I then remembered seconds after removing it that the thumbnail that didn’t load in was the video (without saving yet), I then REFRESH the page before saving hoping that I didn’t delete it but it turned out somehow the changes were saved without warning and the 500 Robux video was removed.

If anyone knows if this is somehow reversible or I had missed something allowing me to get it back please let me know!

Thank you.

This isn’t reversible. Though Roblox can refund you, just contact Roblox Support.

Note you can only use a refund once so make sure you want to use it on this.

They told me they were unable to refund the 500 Robux on the video that was accidentally removed.
(by a website bug)

I see this as extremely negative regarding Roblox’s relation with their developers, and very disappointing.

Then there is sadly, very probably no solution to this.