Account compromised, am able to provide evidence that I am account owner but roblox customer support isn't helping in the slightest

Don’t know if this is the best place to say this so just let me know if it is.

Not sure what really happened, whether my account got compromised or something else. Needless to say I am unable to login to my account, email seems to have changed. I submitted a ticket to roblox saying I can prove my identity and I would need help restoring my account (devex receipts, previous emails used, first last name from my previous devex exchanges) but they always come out and say the exact same copy and paste answer:

“We cannot verify you as the account owner. Because of this, we are unable to assist you further”

If anyone has any suggestions on what I could do it would be nice.
(I submitted like 6 tickets lol)


So sorry to hear that happened to you. Have you generated backup codes while you had your account? Not sure how to use them though, I’m assuming it’s a replacement for a password.

Damn so I’m not the only person this has happened to?

No… a lot of people get hacked! The reason why could be different for a lot of people though.

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Hmm, like ye I got hacked sure but shouldn’t roblox’s customer service be better? I can prove my identity and my link to ownership of that account but they aren’t listening I guess. I’ll just keep trying I guess thanks for that post though

You’re playing? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



Its another account lol. It was “dogovpaln”.

Something very interesting I’m seeing right now, I joined a game called “check when a user was last online”, I typed my account in and the date was November 6th 11:44:25pm, I looked back at my browser history and looked at my roblox activities, what I saw was the last time I played roblox corresponded with the last time I was online. So I’m not sure whether or not I got hacked or roblox just completely flipped me over


Here is my experience with roblox’s customer support.

I recently lost my account with all my assets in it due to a sudden log out. Since your case is a potential account hack, what I did might not work for you. I tried providing proof of ownership such as what kinds of decals I had uploaded, what games I had played, and a part of the pass I could remember. Although they kept sending me an automated response, I tried sending it in the moderation appeals category. They got back to me with an email saying that my message will be forwarded to their account support team. Since I was in panic, I had kind of created more than 20 tickets :sweat_smile: At the end they changed my email to the one I was using to contact them. Anyways, I am sorry that this happened to you, and I really wish you good luck getting it back. Sometimes Roblox support is just annoying.


Thank you for your response, glad to see you got your account back.

Could you please tell me where the moderation appeals category is (im a bit slow sorry xdddd)

Found it never mind thanks hehexd

Again, good luck! Remember, it might take a few tries and time for them to respond. Sometimes they’ll just send the same automated message…


Roblox support has never worked for me out of the 4 times I’ve used it. One of the dumbest times was when I was having an issue with the camera in studio. The camera would just automatically go up whenever you tried to move around. I listed all the things I’ve tried to fix it, INCLUDING restarting my computer. I forget the exact message but the only suggestion they gave was “Try restarting your computer”.


sorry for the bump, but it looks as if you’ve been “locked”, unfortunately.
i’d recommend reading this post, as it appears the account you lost was a stolen/purchased account.


Well I guess I did receive this account from a friend, not sure what happened before that but the weird thing is, why is this happening now? Literally out of nowhere it just seems so weird

because some locker must’ve found your account, realized it was purchased, and decided they were gonna lock you out and (probably) sell it. how long have you been using this account for?

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Around 3-4 years so idk why it didn’t happen earlier lol

Sorry for the bump, but it’s not to sell. From what I was told, they use social engineering (Or otherwise pay off the support member) to have them lock various accounts, but the locker themselves have no access to the account.
The account’s login info is genuinely locked out so that only support can actually access it, while pending for the supposed real account owner to reclaim the account. Noteworthy that this isn’t possible in my case because my account was never registered with an email until the last few years of its life.

This is an actual thing support does to reset compromised accounts, but it’s supposed to be just for the original account owner (e.g. original account owner on their first registered email address contacts support, requests the account’s credentials be reset, this is why PINs, biometrics, and/or 2 factor codes are removed from the account)

As to the actual reason they lock accounts, I’m honestly not sure. Some of them think it’s funny, some of them look for ransom and then have whoever locked the account restore it.
The one that locked mine tried to get in contact with me to demand payment to restore the account; but that got forwarded to the authorities, last I heard they went under investigation for extortion.

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In the future, don’t accept accounts from friends. The only account you should be using is your own. Do not log into others’ accounts, do not share your own account. This is in accordance with Roblox Terms of Service.
These exact situations happen because of our ignorance. I’ve lost years worth of a collection of items because I made the same exact mistake of migrating to an account that was gifted to me.
It’s hard to tell where the account came from, and impossible to verify your ownership of the account.

When you create your account and verify your email within the first month that you’ve created it, you solidify that that is indeed your account, and if it’s ever compromised or locked, you can contact support with the original registered email to restore it.

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Could just be me, but doesn’t this seem kind of… ridiculously non-secure? That seems like an incredibly small time window, all things considered.

Unless the maximum time amount is higher than that, I know a lot of people who took longer than that to verify, and whose accounts would apparently be toast.

I think it was a few months, not entirely sure.
To be fair, though, it’s in a user’s best interest to verify an email as soon as they create their account.