'Account Deleted' UI Design

Hello, I’m Hydrinated! A ROBLOX UI Designer! I’d like some feedback on this Account Deleted UI.

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Once again, making random posts is not going to help you, like I stated in your other post, take your time, make better UI, practice and use an external program

I’m going to list a few things that can be improved.

  • Make the header feel more like a header. Give it a darker background and make it bigger, also center it horitzontally.
  • Have the body be in a box. It’s just there blending in with everything. Make it look like the body.
  • Give the buttons a consistent font, cartoony and what I’m assuming is Gotham don’t go together. Stick to Gotham.

okay it’s just i made that when I first started UI My playstation Ui would be the best

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It’s not bad but can be fixed up easily

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Thanks for your feedback I will use this to improve my UI’s

Title is not centered in the middle. The text is very big as well.

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