Account Deleted - UI Design

Hello, I am Curtis or “pradatrades”. I would like to receive some feedback regarding my Account Deleted UI.

Thanks @Hydrinated for the idea!

Edit: Added Blur, Fix the Spelling Mistake lol, Aswell as change some of the gradient allowing players to see the last bit a clearly. Thanks to @J3yvz and @grilme99 for those suggestions!


No Problem!

Looks pretty sleek and modern. I like it!

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I agree with Hydrinated it looks amazing but how did you make the gradient tho? Im curious

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He probably did It In his art design editor

Actually I did it all with Studio tools, such as this UI Gradient


This is the color for the lighter parts of the UI, As well as the darker parts!



It looks good, but the X Button color look very off.

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I thought of that too, it’s just i didn’t know text can be gradient

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Yes they can but make sure to use a text label while adding the UI gradient of your choice.

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The first X button look better than the rest

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I like it! Just a small flaw though. On the UI, “You have a been banned” was typed in the second sentence. Perhaps you could fix the grammar lol.

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I didn’t even notice that lol, thanks!

I would almost always use that UI. Great job!

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Thank you :smiley: I think I’m getting better!

I really like the idea behind the design! However, one big flaw I see is that the gradient on the text makes the last few words kind of hard to read.

What does it look like if you remove the gradient on the text or don’t make it as transparent?


Go to the top, I changed it :smiley: it looks more visible so you can make out the words at the bottom while still having a gradient.

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It looks nice, but if you’re banning someone from a game and a gui shows up instead of kicking, exploiters can eventually bypass the gui and continue exploiting.

Hello! I’m just curious, how did you do the blur effect?

You can do it by adding a Blur effect to game.Lighting and increasing the size of it when needed.

Sample code:

local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local Blur = Lighting:WaitForChild("BlurEffect")


Blur.Size = 10

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I didn’t know you were good at UI design lol

That looks really good, although the black part of the gradient is a bit dark, but its still nice

thanks lol, I’ve been boosting my skills on UI for the past couple of days.