Account getting random warns/ban

My account today randomly got warned and banned in a timespan of 2-3 hours, I haven’t been on the platform today at all I joined 1 random game that has nothing to do with this, wanted to see if this is happening for anyone else or am I alone on this one


Second image isnt loading, may be me, I don’t really know.

Have you used a promotional code/ toy code at all and redeemed it / gave it to someone perchance?

2nd image you have to click on to see

Also, this seems like you had something that could appear as cross trading, then someone used it against you to get you banned.


I never used any promotional codes or nothing, it’s not available in my country,

I’ve never traded on roblox, I haven’t even logged on as much in the last 1-2 months.

No, But I got a support email around the same time in Korean saying I violated community standards I checked all accounts under the email and there was 0 bans or warnings… :man_shrugging:

Nah, you just click the unloaded image and it will load the image fully.

kay, thanks!

above already told me a while ago

I didn’t even check the other message.:sob:

So, you’re getting falsely banned?

Meet Roblox.

If you haven’t already done so, log out of all devices using the Privacy tab in your Account Settings. Also, check whether the device info, regional location, and last active line up with you.

There should be an arrow pointing to the right that shows you this information:


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I’ve contacted roblox support, and they said I made a “malicious” purchase on a random roblox, game. I asked them for the game id, and when I checked the game, It was a random roblox game with me having no bought gamepasses or anything on it.

Can you please give me a link to the random roblox game? I want to check it out myself.