Account "Locked"/Hacked By Suspicious User

“as we have provided you with all that we can at this time.”

Makes my blood boil, and I’m not even affected by this. It’s just one of the most annoying and corny things you could tell to someone, they don’t even bother to check beyond the norms.

Absolutely ridiculous. You should make a YouTube video about it and show it to larger content creators like SharkBlox, KonekoKitten, greenlegocats123 etc.

I hope you follow through on this, because nothing will change if we keep quiet about situations like these, and I guarantee you, you’re not the only person affected by this method, and the absolutely garbage customer service.

This is terrible, plain and simple.


I have no clue, A friend of mine told me that another friend of his also randomly got their account hacked while using chrome, but I’m not certain about the details.

Can he sue? This also makes my blood boil. I cannot believe Roblox’s security and support is this bad.
I also highly suggest he threatens legal action, this is unacceptable.


He can definitely threaten, but if he actually can, I’m not sure, although this is just pure ignorance, and deceitful, hence he probably could.

I do, however, know that there’s the Better Business Bureau, a non profit organization where you can report bad customer service.


Roblox got to see this. bumping this.


An update about the situation:
I still have no access to my account, it’s permanently gone. Support has refused to even respond to my last email, leaving the ticket unanswered.
To my knowledge, the account is now being sold on the perpetrator’s Discord server. Support also refused to acknowledge my access to the DevForums on my account, and the fact that the user (Who has been reported, yet no moderation action taken to them) is blatantly stealing and selling Roblox accounts.
This is ignorance at best, and pure stupidity at its worst. Genuinely the absolute WORST platform I have ever used.

I should also mention that as soon as I log out of this account, I will lose access to this DevForum account forever.


Thank you for bringing this to light. I’ve filed a complaint and should see my ticket with the BBB within 48 hours. Whether or not Roblox chooses to respond to BBB is unknown, but as more of these cases happen and become known, the more Roblox’s reputation with their advertisers will be hurt. Therefore, less income for Roblox, and ideally they’ll begin addressing this horrible excuse for “customer service,” and their god awful security issues that shouldn’t happen in the first place.

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Good luck with that.

ROBLOX, similar to their attitude with customer service, will not address anything on the BBB regarding a complaint. From what I can tell, they just have an automated/bot message that simply states “We found your complaint, someone responded to you, bye!”

Just let the company suffer with a possible vulnerability until it gets enough traction on the news for them to actually give a damn or something. Sorry about your account.


It is interesting how you write a message from your stolen account in the devloperforum, where the same credentials are.This seems slightly … strange

It’s not, you can use banned accounts on the DevForum just fine.

When a user forcefully logs all devices out from the account, the DevForum is excluded from that. They never logged me out of the forums, but if I choose to log out I’ll never have access to this forum account again, as I don’t have access to the parent account on Roblox.

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How do we know this DevForum account is really you? The hacker can just login to the DevForum using your account. I’m pretty sure you are you but it’s not completely provable. You can use the DevForum to prove you have or had access, but it can’t prove you are you.

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My IP is directly connected to the account. Apart from that, I still have access to my email (Which the hacker did not get access to, and the email is no longer connected to the account, to my knowledge no email is connected to the account anymore.)

(Certain emails censored for privacy reasons)
It would also be pretty stupid for a hacker to go onto the DevForums and then begin complaining about the account they hacked having been stolen by the very person complaining about it being stolen.

Also yes, this is the very email account that I had verified my account with, the one Support claimed wasn’t connected. (“No email address or purchase information is associated with the provided account username” - CS)

The fact that I’m revealing the account having been stolen in the first place should be obvious enough as to who is actively talking here on the forums.

Also note the email from Roblox about Support forcefully deactivating my 2 step auth for this account’s username, further emails show me verifying my new aforementioned account.

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Also, this email. This is the one that aggravates me the most. Clear indication that my email had been verified to the account, Roblox should have the email in their records, regardless of an email being removed from an account, email history is always recorded. Yet, they claim that the account had no email history at all, a blatant lie.

And even further proof that the account had an email in the first place is this devforum account exists at all, and has some amount of reading history behind it. The account can’t be created without an email being connected to it. Literally impossible, the forums require a verified email for an account to be created.

So support just completely glosses over all of this and just goes “oh well you never had an email associated with it, when you make a new account make sure you verify lol”
Pretty damn close to their exact wording.

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Roblox genuinely angers me so much, why can’t they invest in support? When they know perfectly well that it’s HORRIBLE, especially with this new idea that they want this platform to be “UGC focused”, which won’t end up well at this rate.



Confirmation that he locked me
This is being forwarded to Roblox.

Discord User ID is 1149756218500460655

Edit: Last known Discord username was chingwashere
His Discord account has since been deleted, but there’s a high chance he’s on a new one now under a similar name.


After taking a peek around your account, I found some… odd things…

  1. Keyboard spam username. Usually doesn’t mean much but you’ll see why this is important.
  2. Only two badges, Veteran and Friendship. Bit odd when this is a 2010 account, but, whatever.
  3. The dead giveaway. A November 2010 join date.

If you’ve never heard of a ‘tixbotted’ account, I won’t go into detail about it, but it’s basically a way of gaining Roblox accounts with old join dates (always being November 2010) that were (from my knowledge) acquired from a data leak or something, always having a keyboard spam username and a noticeable lack of old badges.

I still hope you get it back though, although it seems you used a slightly unethical way of obtaining it.


Appreciate the response.

This isn’t the only account I’ve lost. There’s been two others. Regardless, it’s beyond ridiculous that they’ve been stolen.

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Also of note:
Upon contacting support to try and report the user directly, they gave a robotic response, as per usual.
No response as to the user that’s been compromising literal hundreds of accounts. I may sincerely be done with this platform

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So, I assume the reason you decided to use tixbot is because the other accounts you lost had legitimate old join dates? Makes sense, I guess.

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