I have uploaded an audio that breaks the rules by being too loud and disruptive: 87147795680564; I got punished by getting a warning and the audio got removed but since then I kept getting punished for that same audio which lead to the termination of my account, plus it keeps “deleting” the audio, despite it being deleted already. Even after my termination I recieve emails about the audio getting removed. I made an appeal but I waited for 3 days already with zero response. The date on the termination is updating because I made an appeal the same day I got first terminated and since then the termination says a different date. I have seen posts about this before but I am still terminated. Please fix this and unban my account. My username is: SmrdisJakBob ; Here all the ID’s of the audio deletions:
Wait you mean you uploaded the “Scream” audio, Moderators thought it was too loud and disruptive, so they deleted your audio. EVEN after that, without you uploading the asset again, you kept getting warnings and got your account terminated?
Or did you still upload the same audio multiple times?
I didn’t reupload the audio, I just kept getting punished for it and it kept getting “deleted”, even though I already got a warning and it got removed. All of the punishments then lead to the termination of my account and support is ignoring me to this day, I have gotten zero response to my appeal.
wow the moderation on this platform is either useless or extremely overkill
i hope you get ur acc back asap, interacting w this post so hopefully an admin sees it
If my topic of 2.5K views and 80+ likes doesn’t get seen by an admin there’s no chance anybody else’s is.
But I do hope you get your account back because this is just moronic behavior.
once i made a small bug report about the corner clip being patched and an admin saw it at like 0 likes so there is hopee
it’s such a trivial issue as well, it shouldn’t take them any time to fix hopefully
Oh wow. Great. There’s some hope at least .
Although I don’t think this is a trivial issue since people’s accounts were legitimately deleted and Roblox has made no public announcements about it.
As long as the issue is addressed and fixed, I don’t care. But nobody is willing to even look at our tickets.
boosting to the top so hopefully people see this
Much appreciated. Hope you haven’t been faced with the same issue.