Accurate Studs to FT and Meters using Physics

Hello everyone,

For a while I have been looking to give a accurate scale to all of my builds and show what they would like like in real life in Roblox. I am aware Roblox does have a unit conversion already made. However, this fails to accurately represent what something may look like IRL. This is something I have really struggled with in realistic builds. I am aware Roblox has a game setting for “gravity” but funny enough their own calculations are wrong. Using a sphere and a script to get the location of the sphere every 0.1 seconds and having a trigger so there isn’t any acceleration due to lag I discovered that the acceleration is closer to 10.66 meters per second or - 104.5 studs per seconds squared not 196.2 studs per seconds squared Roblox claims. Anyways after using a few simply equations I was able to calculate and double check my work. To fact check me you can setup a sphere at 150 studs place in a script that reports the Y position every .1 seconds and it will print out 24 messages before it stops. Anyways, using that I have decided since I made this discovery myself I have chosen that the Roblox Character is 1.7 Meters tall or 5 Feet 7.5 Inches which is the average human height meaning that…

1 Meter = 3 Studs and 1 Foot = .915 Studs

I hope this helps people making realistic builds!


Roblox Units | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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I did just that, except I measured the position (and velocity) every frame @ 240hz, and averaged the results over 10 runs. The acceleration is in fact equal to what it’s set to in the workspace.
You did your math wrong.

Y position vs time (measured):

Y velocity vs time (measured):

In the picture above, the dy/dx number represents the acceleration due to gravity, calculated to be -196.4, which is well within margin of error.
(acceleration = difference in velocity / difference in time)

raw numbers:
data.txt (74.7 KB)