ACS (advanced combat system) not working

Hello! My problem is with ACS (advanced combat system.

More info below.

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want ACS to work in my game so that I don’t have to switch a lot up in my game.

  2. What is the issue?

The issue is that ACS doesn’t work at all in the game. I am pretty sure that I did it correctly too. And if I need to switch to Carbon Engine (which is worse than ACS in my opinion), then I will have to redo a bunch of stuff like my loadout screen guis and that type of stuff.

Here are some images of my explorer and a video of what happens when I spawn in game.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?

I have tried redoing ACS multiple times and posting something on the dev forum, but nothing worked. The dev forum post got taken down fyi…

I have used ACS (advanced combat system) a lot before, but this time when I put it in my game, it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work no matter if it is on R6 (which I was told it had to be on). And I have redone it multiple times. Anyone know how to fix this? I am pretty sure that I put everything where it is supposed to go too.

If you know anything to help please let me know!

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I don’t understand why people are coming to the devforum for help on fixing a free model’s script.
Please go to the owner of that free asset for help. Otherwise, share the script that is not working.
I cannot help you if you do not share the scripts.


I can’t access the discord server, and was hoping to get some help. And this isn’t just any free model. It is a quality gun system that I plan to be a big part of my game. So do you have any ideas? It isn’t the script I don’t think. I must have done something, but am not sure. I also can’t get to my computer right now. So I can’t get you the scripts.

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It is a free model.

Try doing some trouble shooting, check your game for anything that is not allowing those scripts to work. If the model has something that has to do with https, turn on https requests. I can’t really help you when you are not providing any scripts or specific issues relating to the problem. All I have to go off of is you saying, “I must have done something.”

Well i can get you scripts later. But I will try those things too when I get to my computer.

To make it work, you need to make the game R6 & You also need the “ACS_WorkSpace” folder placed into workspace. Hope that helps!


Ohh okay because I had deleted the workspace folder because I didn’t think I needed anything in it! Can i just drag the doors and stuff in it into the tool storage in replicated storage? Thank you for your help!

What I recommend you re-add ACS < Drag the “ACS_WorkSpace” folder into workspace then you can remove all the other extra ACS items. I have attached a video below for you to watch; you can see how to properly set up ACS there.

Hope this helps!

NOTES: You can customize all settings as normal in the ACS config folder, you must keep ACS_WorkSpace in the game’s workspace.

It worked! Thank you for the help!

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uhm…hey @Jdubygamer maybe u didn’t set the Avatar to R6

here a full guide:
Set it to Inner Box

Set it to R6

Set it to Player’s Choice

and there your done have a great day @Jdubygamer