Hello, I have a realistic unit game, it has ACS Weapon System, I added an Animations GUI in the game, and the animations were somehow affected by something in game, I found out later it’s from ACS, The animations work fine when I remove the ACS, anyone knows how do I fix that or how do I know how ACS affects my animations? Please help me asap because it’s destroying my game.
That’s just because you’re using a free model gun system. With the way it’s set up, there isn’t a way to fix it without either remaking it, or just making your own system. This is because the system manually manipulates Motor6Ds for animation.
Not much of an opinion, more factual what does and doesn’t.
Anything that uses “custom animation,” otherwise not animated by typical means (such as with animation editor), will manipulate the Motor6D’s of your character’s joints, thus corrupting other animations.
I’m aware that I’m like 2 years late, but if anyone has the same issue just disable the “Stances” local script in ReplicatedStorage. Fixed the problem for me.