Acting Chairman - Statement from rooboo14

Hello Pelican Beach Resort. Today, 3/1718/19, Slee_20 gave me the honor of becoming the Acting Chairman of PBR for the next 2 weeks. In my original announcement, I did not include much information, which is what I plan to accomplish in this statement.

I will not be giving any reasons why this has happened, so please do not ask me.
I first want to state that anyone can come to me with any questions related to PBR, whether it’s to form an alliance, or a question simply about your job.

As the Acting Chairman, my first task I plan to look into is activity. Although Pelican Beach Resort is a fairly active hotel, I know we have much room for improvement. The HR Team will be working with the MRs and LRs on improving activity (at the resort and at sessions), to help Pelican in its path to success.

Secondly, I plan on adding some new, very needed (in my personal opinion) features. The first of which will be an in game feedback system. This system will allow any member to send in any suggestions they have or bugs they find. I also would like to introduce updated systems within the Resort and add some new surprises (stay on the lookout)!

Continuing, as the owner (acting owner, temporary), I plan to be really active within the group. This includes attending shifts and sessions, as well as events. I feel that building strong bonds with not only the staff, but our customers, will build a kinder environment and stronger connections within the group.

Finally, I want to help Pelican prosper. There are endless possibilities with where this group may go. With the right work ethic, dedication, and determination, this group can grow sky high and truly become the BEST resort on Roblox! I will not let anyone down.

Thank you for reading my road map for the next 2 weeks with Pelican. I am open to any suggestions, so feel free to get in contact with me if you have any ideas.

Signed, rooboo14
Acting Chairman
Pelican Beach Resort

Anything crossed off was in the original post, but no longer applies.

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