[Action Needed] Sunsetting api.roblox.com

What about the online status, is that being retired?
And the problem with presence API?

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To remove the ability to DDOS Roblox. If they allowed it, it would be problematic, as they could get a DDOS attack.

You have to provide a .ROBLOSECURITY cookie for the multiget-place-details API
Though it seems like you could just use game.GameId instead?


where is the api to convert a place id to universe id? To my knowledge it’s not anywhere in this thread. While that api endpoint was inside of api.roblox.com

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GET https://games.roblox.com/v1/games/multiget-place-details?placeIds=


For the marketplace API, aren’t there already built in functions, like MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo()?

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:GetProductInfo uses roblox web api to get this data. This is talking about the roblox web api. Not about the game engine.

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I believe this will also affect games such as Catalog Heaven(which fully relies on the ROBLOX catalog) and other games which allow you to customize your avatar with avatar shop items.

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Try https://economy.roblox.com/v2/assets/{assetId}/details. Undocumented but it’s the endpoint used by the marketplace functions internally. Rate limits are the same as far as I can tell.

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Is there a reason a new endpoint is being added rather than just directing people to https://economy.roblox.com/v2/assets/{assetId}/details? It returns close to identical information. (it also returns PascalCase keys :skull:)

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Any idea when the online status will work again?
Atm, it’s just a mess, and nothing works.

Only this method works:

Not this one:
GET /users/{userId}/onlinestatus


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This is not an adequate replacement for this API as multi-get place details require authentication.

Removing this could prove fatal to many applications that require translation to UniverseId from placeId. The simple solution would be don’t make this API for authenticated users only.

The place to Universe ID translation is extremely important for UX purposes.


What about letting us use the old as the new API?
Because the current presence does not work.



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It does work though?

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All i see is an error.
It does not function like the onlinestatus API.

This does not work either.

Can’t be used, because it’s not a normal URL, you would have to use another way to get the result than before.
Atm URL to get the info is the normal way.
This “new” method does not work at all, it can only be used within roblox’s own setup, unless you use Curl then convert the info… Too much hassle than before.

bruh just send a post request?

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With a newly created (though also undocumented) endpoint, it’s now actually possible to get a productId from a developerProductId, thus cutting the dependency for the ApiProxy endpoint: https://develop.roblox.com/v1/developerproducts/12973870

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Is it supposed to be rate limiting games this hard? A game I’m working on is basically falling apart due to rate limits.

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Will it ever be allowed and why is it not allowed?

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To prevent people from abusing them from in games. I doubt they will ever be widely supported, but only time will tell.

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