[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

You may think that this change could make it easier to find sounds, as now more people can create more sounds without having to pay. But you’re wrong. Even with the monthly limits, bots/spammers will be able to create audios until they hit the monthly limit, switch to a new account and keep uploading audios to flood the creator marketplace with unusable garbage sounds making it even harder to find high quality content than before. I’m assuming that’s why they give us links to their own official SFX, because we literally wont be able to find anything else. This is a straight up BAD update, with little to no advantages.


No. It’ll tell you you’ve reached your limit after you try to upload more then 10. There’s no way to bypass the hard cap.


Nah. Love2d is kinda dookie compared to HaxeFlixel I’d rather just switch languages at that point.

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Yeah but they can’t use it on their main because of the new privacy feature…

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True, this is a disadvantage of this free audio upload, bot or an alt user maybe upload a lot of this audio or Loud audio for against ToS.

Created a video on how to replace all of your sound assets in your game very easily. It can be found here:


This will absolutely destroy a huge number of game’s audio environments, and remove a huge amount of content from the platform permanently. I’m not happy about this at all, and don’t at all understand why it’s necessary or a reasonable decision.

If developers want their old audio private, or Roblox wants particular audio private, it should not be applied to the entire platform, that’s ludicrous, it will ruin the experience of a lot of games, not just in cosmetic ways.

List of audio use cases this impacts:

  1. Background/ambiance noises
  2. Music
  3. Voice Acting
  4. Cutscenes (aside from VA)
  5. Generally just any long sound effect (Force field effects, rocket effects, machine noises, etc)

Some significant scenarios this impacts:

  1. Any sounds uploaded by now inactive users (Everything in the above category, aka, a LOT of audio, in fact, a lot of classic Roblox sounds I know of will become private, and, I’m not referring to Roblox uploaded ones)
  2. Commissioned audio owned by the commissioner (Assuming the commissioner is even still active, this is a potentially huge amount of changes to undo)

The fact that Roblox wants to encourage, and, essentially force developers to restrict themselves to licensed audio is horrible, and, there’s no attempt to hide it here. This is deeply upsetting.

Please, I can’t stress this enough, please reconsider the automated privatization of audios! This is really frustrating and upsetting to hear :slightly_frowning_face:


Elaborate on the supposed “long term benefits and creative freedom.” I wouldn’t call destroying 90% of the public audio library “creative freedom”.


This is a logical action. If this wasn’t a thing people can just create alt accounts and you would effectively bypass the hard limit of 100 audios/month. I am totally in favor of the update even if this comes with a few drawbacks.

Got 10k place visits and I don’t have 2000 per 30 days. I believe this is based by Premium and ID verification, because as stated by OP: “Thresholds will differ between accounts. For example, an account that is ID verified will be able to upload 100 audio assets per month.”.

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How does privatizing millions of audio assets prevent people from creating alts and bypassing audio limits? This makes no sense, it does nothing to fix this issue, it doesn’t even provide a slight mitigation, it’s simply wiping an enormous number of assets, and nothing more.

I have no problem with new audios being private, I have a problem with millions of old audios being completely wiped from the platform, permanently ruining a vast number of games.


To be fair, A collective group of copyrighted audio uploaders is what destroyed the catalog. If there was no copyrighted content that was uploaded (hence the 6 second limit) then likely this update would only be about getting free audio uploads. However, due to that, I think that setting all audio uploads that are longer than 6 seconds to private retroactively is a way to get any copyrighted content that could have gotten past their automated ip removal system is a way to go after letting it get out of hand for so long.

So if you think about it, this is less of Roblox’s fault and more of the community’s fault. A small price to pay for free audio.

I don’t really approve of this. I get that this has been done to try and stop bypassed audio and other things, but it will take FOREVER to replace every audio in your experiences. Not only that, but this could make people think that audios are getting deleted. I am concerned about this update.


I’m happy to see Roblox making changes to the very old audio system and modernizing it by adding privacy features and free uploads is awesome!

This update will impact a lot of experiences and I think developers should be notified in private messages as well as the DevForum about this.


Literally, can’t we just have a good update without a massive drawback


Agreed! This change is amazing. I wish it would extend to all assets, and eventually lead to the removal of the Toolbox and replaced with us being able to officially sell assets for robux.

Privacy for the win!


Can’t be, I’m by no means a famous developer or a member of a big studio and I have 2000.


This limit doesn’t apply to new audios, it applies to old ones. This is not at all the communities fault, and this response to the problem is vastly problematic, it permanently destroys numerous old experiences. Not to mention, this doesn’t fix the problem, it doesn’t fix anything, it just wipes half the platform, and nothing more! These audios can just be publicized again, it makes no sense.

I just cannot see how you can possibly defend this change.

Roblox is wiping millions of audio assets from the platform, I think this severely outweighs the benefits of private audio. If I had the choice, I would choose to keep all existing audio over having private audio, but what is worse is these two things are not mutually dependent on eachother, we can absolutely get audio privacy without wiping the platform of its audio assets, it doesn’t benefit anything, or solve any problems at all.


Wow. The backlash of this change was so big. that DevRel had to put a reply cooldown on this topic lol.

1000 replies and it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet.


There’s a number of reasons why this was done, which I can possibly predict:

  • Eliminate audios that could possibly be copyrighted and are generally shared among the community.
  • Essentially prevent bypassed audios that are uploaded from alt accounts to be reused by players.

Roblox will probably keep adding a ton more audios either that’s ambient sounds or licensed music. However, I will be very sad to see games with Music game passes like Murder Mystery to be stuck with Roblox audios.

As I said, if you upload free audio from an alt account, the sound will only be limited for use in the alt account, thus forcing you to adhere to the limit that’s currently in place. But, I would not like to see this change expand to other asset types in the Marketplace (models, etc.) as this would truly be disastrous. On the bright side, now Roblox is truly free, as badge and audio creation fees are essentially eliminated.

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