[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

ID verification, not email verification.


I canā€™t wait to see the new music and sounds in your games :slight_smile:


This is quite a good update as I believe people should choose what they want people to be able to access and not but legit gonna break soo many games.

I donā€™t really see why they could not just keep all old audios public and then just make all new audios auto private. I feel like that would be the best choose. Love though how you no longer need to pay for audios.

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yh my alts are at 10 maybe because im a top dev i get 2k per month?


This is quite a good update as I belive people should choose what they want people to be ablbut legit gonna break soo many games.

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Why force all audios to be private? It kind of ruins the entire point of the audio section in the toolbox. Not every game on Roblox has active developers who have the time to completely change all the sounds in their game because of this change. So many games are going to be dead silent because every audio in them will be private, regardless of the uploaderā€™s intention. An allow copying option has existed for a long time on audios, and itā€™s ridiculous that they wonā€™t just use it.

Not to mention the audio upload limit is really weird. It should have been changed to be like badges, where you still have the option to pay and upload more after you reach the limit. Requiring ID verification for uploading a reasonable amount of sounds is just really strange and adds an extra layer of hassle to workflows.

Iā€™m all for developers having more control over their assets, because Iā€™ve been stolen from before and Roblox has done nothing about it, but I donā€™t like this approach. Let developers choose whether or not they want their audios private instead of forcing this change and turning the whole platform upside down.


I just hope that anybody that has uncopylocked audio which gets privated is also notified about the change, so they can adjust accordingly.


The current ability to search through the Roblox audio catalog is extremely limited & annoying; we are unable to search for specific genres & have no way to search through specific artist tracks from albums. There is also no current ability on the website to search for audio with a specific time-frame, though I do recognize itā€™s available through studio. Iā€™d heavily hope in the future that the Roblox audio library search is adjusted to allow specific audio searches to allow developers to find exactly what theyā€™re searching for, and many similar music options from similar artists/albums. Itā€™s also worth mentioning I had to go through a lot just to find sound effects uploaded by Roblox/APM, and even those options werenā€™t perfect; refinements should be made hopefully either before, or closely later when these changes are implemented.


I havenā€™t verified my ID. If this is supposed to be the case, the limit seems to be broken. Iā€™m seeing 2000, 1000, 100, 10ā€¦


It depends from the user apparently. I only get 100 even though Iā€™m a verified account and can devex, some are limited to 10.

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Iā€™ve verified my email, however they mentioned that you have to use your real life ID for age verification. Assuming itā€™s 13+, itā€™s quite cartoonish that theyā€™re expecting teenagers to ask their parents for their PASSPORT just to upload sound effects. I thought this wasnā€™t going to be a problem, but since Iā€™m making a game thatā€™ll require tons of sounds (voices, guns, physics), it will be a huge issue.


This is a great update but Iā€™m seriously worried about how games that have an ā€˜audioā€™ game pass will deal with this, I feel that the audios shouldnā€™t be set to private automatically but rather the creator of those audios should do it manually (because this would prevent the majority of the previous audios from not working in experiences, which I feel like Iā€™ve backstabbed the players purchasing said gamepass). And then when creating audio provides a tab for privacy settings.

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Mine is still 10 audio limit, and despite all of this the worst thing is if we have to replace every audio we have in our experiences. For example one of my experiences has 125+ audios, no way Iā€™m going to replace that.

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ā€¦Roblox has a thought process when making updates?


I decided to re-open Studio and use the new Discovery tool to see how fast it can allow you to change asset IDs, and, wellā€¦
I always use Files instead of Published Games as thatā€™s just my preferred style of working, and apparently, it just means all of those files will be silent from now on? Yes, this is my account, yes, this is an audio I uploaded as you can see, but it still says I should replace it.


2000 seems to be only for specific users that hit some unknown requirements, you are just one of the lucky ones, it seems.


Dam if you have 781 audios you gonna be busy for the next couple of weeks. Honesty I donā€™t see why they canā€™t just keep old audios public and just private new audios auto.


this change is happening all too quickly, thousands of games will be broken in just 2 weeks
the 6 second limit seems really arbitrary, I canā€™t use a currently public sound because itā€™s 6.3 seconds? seriously?

not to mention I canā€™t even use sounds uploaded under >my< account in >my group<!
some middleground has to be reached before this is shoved onto all of us


While being able to upload free audios is a welcome change and is better for the platform, I donā€™t see how privating practically the entire existing library is going to make matters better. I own a game where users create their own content (via building and implementing basic functionality in what they build), and a lot of charm comes from users being able to use pre-existing audio IDs to add sound to their game. As of March 22nd, a lot of these audios will no longer be usable, causing many of my usersā€™ games to go silent. This greatly reduces the charm in these games, causing users to either have to upload audio themselves (which can be a hassle) or having to use Robloxā€™s prebuilt library, which Iā€™ve always thought was boring and oversaturated with generic audios (searching up a word such as Forest would bring up a bunch of very-similar sounding APM audios. I have a lot of friends who have expressed interest in quitting due to this change - itā€™s way too much of a drastic change and would ruin the charm of older games (or literally anything that doesnā€™t use a generic APM piece). If such a change is absolutely necessary, then we should have gotten more than two weeksā€™ worth of notice. This would then give users enough time to find new audios, upload them, and then have a new decent audio library with public content that isnā€™t just APM. Whatā€™s the reasoning for the time frame being so short?

Iā€™m gonna be honest - Iā€™d prefer paying for audios than for the entire audio library to be privated and unusable.


We got free audio uploadsā€¦but at what cost?