[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

So the audio upload page says 2000 per month, but here it says only 10 … Which is wrong, or are they both wrong?


yes finally i can now be able to upload an audio like an intro!

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Wait, 100? I’m seeing 2000 sounds per month, which is an average of 66 sounds per day. Is something inconsistent here?

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I have a question. What would happen if I didn’t review everything in time?


2000 Audios per month thats not to bad.

“yeah this update will destroy almost every single game that’s on our platform imaginable let’s push it”

literally what was the thought process while writing this


“Please refresh the page to see the updated upload count.”
They have heard the complaints about this limit. It was changed to 2000 per 30 days.


The audio would no longer play, most likely.

Silent game if the audios get privated.


This is incorrect, only certain users have this limit increase.


I was pretty excited to read about the free audio uploading until I read the rest of the announcement. A pretty breaking change and it happens in less than two weeks? I hope that deadline is extended by a lot.

Is there still no point in buying an audio asset that goes into your inventory? Let’s say we purchase a free audio asset from another creator and it goes private (either automatically or the creator puts it off-sale), should we still be allowed to use that asset in our experiences?

Will there be an option to upload more audios for a robux free (like the current system) if we’ve reached the limit in the future? There’s a lot of stuff that should be clarified hopefully.


Not sure about anyone else, but mine says 2000 and I’m not even photo-id verified


I thought that the 10 audio/month change would take effect on March 22nd with the privacy changes

Why on earth would you do this.

I understand making private audio not playable, but why make almost ALL audio private??
You literally have to configure the sound to make it public (which means its something you have to do yourself, manually, knowingly) so WHY take that away?

This just makes no sense.
The monthly limit is a mystery too, I personally have 2000/month, but I dont know why. Other people that have hundreds of audios to replace have only 10/month, so they dont have enough time to replace it all.

This is just outrageous. Far worse than the animation update


I love how this post was made to distract people from the real problem by promoting the change of

"Wow, free audio uploads!"

Just at the clearly not so important cost of breaking most existing games.


You’re really giving us just 13 days to somehow replace all sounds used in our games that haven’t been uploaded by our accounts, despite having created a toolbox and encouraging us to use sounds from them for the last 9 years.

This is such great news. I am very happy with this information.

Not only that, but this change crumbles any game that wasn’t published on a group, since now every sound that my developers have uploaded to groups (that I own) for games not published to these groups are now assumingly meant to be reuploaded by me to be used in my own games? Very awesome.

I don’t know how this could ever be considered being changed in such a way.

Release this borderline mindless change in its current state:

  • yes
  • NO

0 voters


I just checked, and it seems like verified users get the increased limit. If this is true, people should have no problem attaching an email account to have the increased limit. I don’t see any reason why I would be one of the certain users to have this increase. Is this mentioned anywhere?


This update will destroy a lot of games that have inactive players or people who are unwilling to replaces potentially hundreds or even thousands of audio assets. Keep all currently uploaded audio assets on ROBLOX for the public to use, then make audio assets after the deadline private.

We, as players and developers, should not have to worry about games being affected by a change that will disrupt the liveliness of game.


Are you really going to sacrifice 90% of the audio in the catalog for free uploads?


Strange. I’ve been rated at 10 per 30 days.


I can understand the rest of these changes, but why this?

The vast majority of audio uploaders who currently have public audio won’t be bothered to make their audio public again after this update hits. Moreover, this doesn’t actually address the issue of people uploading copyrighted songs, because people will still be able to upload these songs (and make them public) after this update lands.

This seems like an unproductive idea that will do nothing but diminish many experiences on the platform.