[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

This is a awful idea that’s going to do more harm than good for a large majority of developers and players alike.
There’s already a bunch of other games that use audios made by other people that they’re bound to break whenever this update is fully launched, and a good chunk of them aren’t heavily maintained anymore, so those games are likely going to end up six feet under.
Boomboxes and other gamepasses that let you play audios in game? That’s going to end up being a bunch of Robux flushed down the drain because they’re going to end up breaking too. And what? All because of a couple of bad actors uploading bypassed audios, and because Roblox is too lazy to follow up on their moderation overhaul plans?
Don’t want to give Roblox your ID or you can’t? Tough luck, you’re stuck to only uploading 10 audios a month, so that means if you want to upload your own sound effects or music, you’re still going to have to deal with that burden of only uploading ten of them in a single month; So if you have to upload, lets say, 62 sound effects for a game, you’re going to have to wait seven months just to upload them all. And even if you decide to fork over Roblox your ID, you’re still being limited about the amount of audios you can upload onto the site. Want to upload 101 sound effects? Well you’re going to have to wait a month just to upload the last one.
I was completely fine with the original way people on Roblox were uploading audios onto the platform, I didn’t mind giving some robux to purchase a new audio of music piece. But this new system feels incredibly limiting to what people can do on the platform, and giving people 13 days to adjust to it makes the situation even worse than it already is. Yes, being able to upload audios for free is a wonderful idea, but the rest of the changes that it brings are just… Not good.
I can understand where Roblox is trying to come from with this, but it just seems more crippling than it is helpful.


This is a really disappointing change for games like mine, Obby Creator, where players are essentially creating their own worlds and experiences inside a Roblox experience.

Places that encourage UGC and world creation will suffer the most from this. A user playing my game will not be able to use an audio they have uploaded inside their own world which really sucks. Of course, this is a great update overall for the platform and most other experiences but still frustrating for this circumstance where it negatively impacts the users in my experience.


Not sure how I feel about setting previously uploaded audios to private, this is gonna break A LOT OF GAMES unless their developers are actively working on it.

Im gonna play an old game and just hear stock roblox audio, I swear.


This summarizes the new change.
(I’m aware this is going to probably be taken down, but I’m sure many of us will get a laugh out of this.)


I understand the intentions behind this change and the idea behind it is one I can get behind as someone who has dealt with other users taking assets I’ve uploaded without permission in the past. However, there is absolutely no reason why my own experience, hosted in a group only for the ease of sharing profits with the other contributors and collaborating with them, should not be able to load sounds uploaded to my personal account when I am the owner of both the group and the audio in question.

During the development process, I uploaded almost every sound to my own account so that I could work with it during the pending/approval process (sounds uploaded to groups will not load until they’ve been approved by a moderator). The fact that I’m now expected to work out a solution to reuploading every single sound, many of which I don’t have the source files anymore, is absurd.

In fact, I went to great lengths to ensure that all of our sounds were properly licensed and only uploaded by me without taking anything from the catalog to avoid complications. Why do I have to take valuable time, which could be spent working on future titles or improving our existing release, to either manually reupload most audio files, or tediously setting permissions in order to continue using my own assets in an experience created by me???



Our game Splash is about creating and performing music to other players. We have an in-house music and AI team that creates all of our audio assets that we own 100%. We will never upload copyright music.

Right now, we upload around 300 assets per week so the limit of 100 audio per month is going to make our current game infeasible.

Is it possible to request a different limit? A limit of 5000 per month would work for us. I’m happy to keep paying for uploads.

Also, marking audio assets over 6 seconds as private is going to be a nightmare for us as we have a large archive of assets (maybe 2k+). Is there any way to request an exemption from this?



Real excited for 90,000 tracks of stock 1990’s classical music.


This is the most accurate and relatable meme I’ve ever seen on the platform to date, thanks. Brightened up my day.


Very true, at this point Roblox is a soulless money hungry company. Thousands, if not tens of thousands games will be ruined by this, and think about the people who uploaded these, wanting them to be public. Especially if they have tons of audio uploaded. They will have to go and individually make it all public, instead of just being able to make something private when you upload it. This is just really a stupid and unnecessary addition that only has a negative effect.


Are you sure that you’re opening a published copy of the place? The permissions won’t be recognized for a local file because the plugin doesn’t know what place / user the local file is associated with.

simply copy the assetID number from the audio, then put “roblox.com/library/” in your browser then paste in the number after the /

Download this Chrome extension which pulls an audio from the site: ROBLOX Audio Downloader - Chrome Web Store
Then click the icon for the extension while on the webpage for the audio and it will download the audio.

Then reupload that audio!


This is a horrible and I mean horrible idea.

Sure, free audios might be nice, but they aren’t worth 90% of the audio catalog being destroyed. I cannot believe that this completely insane idea somehow made it through and is being considered.

What about boombox gears? Gamepasses that people paid robux to get. Yeah, I’m 100% sure that players would much rather listen to free to use music from a list rather than their favorite songs or audios.

What about toolbox / library audios? How many games will be completely silent after this disaster of an update? Who in their right mind said that it was a good idea to scrap the whole idea of free to use audios uploaded by others? How many free audios will actually be fixed to be not private after this update?

I cannot express how angry this makes me and so many other devs. 2 weeks to basically replace a TON of audios. Extending the deadline would be nice but completing reconsidering this would ultimately be the best option. This reminds me of the whole “lets replace all materials without another choice” idea from a few months ago.

I’ve never used another game engine aside from Roblox but I’m not going to lie, Unity is looking real interesting right about now. This alone has actually got me thinking why I continue to use this platform if there is a high chance updates like this will happen.


Alright. I gave it a bit of thought and here are two simple ways to fix this update for the most part

1 - Keep Audios that were set to free by the original uploader free, and allow people to keep using these Audios without problem, this will completely avoid the problem of people having to find replacements for Audios someone else uploaded but put for grabs & use.

2 - Allow the use of Audios uploaded by Friends, you’ve displayed the ability to check if a user is friends with the owner of a game before with the push of Filtering Enabled, so why not here? Simply put, allow the use of Audios uploaded by people on your Friends List without problem, this will avoid the issue of Developers not uploading to groups, or there simply being no group to upload to.

Notice how in both instances I used “avoid” instead of “fix”, because there is no reason to fix a problem you could’ve just avoided to begin with.
And you might be saying with solution 2 “Well, just make a group!”, but porting a game to a group is more than just uploading it to a new location, as it will also require people to replace Animation IDs, and for a game with a lot of them, that in of itself will take forever.

I hope Developers are still reading the replies, that one will read this, and that one will understand where we as a collective are coming from when we say this is a very damaging update.


This has an amazing positive side of free audios, but is completely ruined by what the side effects entail. Audios that’re already allowed for copying should remain public, elsewise just about every support-lacking game is about to go soundless. The limits are very inconsistent and I’m unsure how I’m supposed to basically replace all of the sounds in my game with a ten uploads per 30 days. I can’t even do anything about the limit because Roblox wouldn’t even properly accept my identification card.

On another note, I’m pretty sure the discovery plug-in isn’t accounting for group owners.



this change seems to already take effect. All of a sudden, I get this error inside the output for audios that were working a few hours before. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

nvm, my internet failed to load. srry abt that


Second post on this topic :


Now I can’t upload anything for the next 30 days.
Can you at the MINIMUM make it so we can pay for the audios again after we’ve reached limit? Please?


Why are you making all the audios that are not made by the Roblox account private? I use the audio library to download sounds for my YouTube videos.


Running out of likes, but to all of those who agree with me and vice versa, I would have liked your post.


this is a horrible idea have you considered the sheer amount of games this is gonna affect


Actually, this needs better context now that I realized something.

Yes, definitely there’s going to be an opened gate for Roblox bypassers out there uploading bypass audios, but one good thing is that Roblox will not private audios that are less than 6 seconds.

So, most bypass audios would be private while 30% of bypass audios would still be on the market, which still is bad.