[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

I just made my own audio, seems pretty cool ngl.

those devs who develop for profit are usually the ones buying everything for their games anyways, while the real community oriented devs are the ones suffering from like EVERY single roblox update since last year, including this one. Community oriented devs are the ones who actively used toolbox for audios, not generic front-page tycoon ā€œā€œdevsā€ā€ who only were on roblox for dev ex and probably never ever heard of egghunts


4k+ Replies?

Well, well, well. The audio update really did make everyone angry even me.

Besides that second limit should be raised to like 30 seconds or so, barely any music is that long unless itā€™s composed (or cropped or sped up) that way


My personal games and studio is at a near breaking point due to the audio upload limitation per month. If this literal ā€œaudio wipeā€ happens, my largest project yet will be delayed on a mass scale, possibly by at least 4-5 months. Please consider raising the limit.


The following post is yet another huge rant regarding the handling of this change and the situation as a whole. My knowledge of the situation is limited so take this with a grain of salt but I promise that there is at least a semblance of reason behind my words here.

Roblox appears to have opted to go completely and utterly silent regarding this change even despite the overwhelming negativity and complete outrage regarding the situation which I am absolutely hoping with every fiber of my being is them reconsidering and fighting for a better way to settle things. Itā€™s evident that the recent replies have given Roblox the impression that this is merely another case of younger developers and users blowing things out of proportion but that absolutely could not be further from the truth in any capacity especially if you were to look through the earlier replies to this post.

Roblox, if youā€™re still somehow reading through these replies, please recognize that this is absolutely nothing like the experimental mode or filtering enabled changes. You cannot just sit back and try to let things blow over with this. Those changes were completely justified. Roblox could not survive if half of the games on the entire platform allowed exploiters to change them in any way they wanted to and wreak havoc on the platformā€™s reputation and developerā€™s sanity. Experimental mode was also a completely unviable structure for the engine to work off of in the long run. This is completely different. There is such an incredible myriad of other ways to settle this without breaking every game on the entire platform.

The justification for this change is absolutely nonexistent and there are almost definitely infinitely better ways to settle the lawsuit than practically breaking (harsh wording but it gets my point across) every single game on the entire platform, forcing developers to go back through every single game they have ever made and replace hundreds of individual audios, and destroying the majority of the audio library because a megacorporation in the music industry made a case about radio gamepasses of all things in games. This is not acceptable and should this change go through especially after the already impending threats that were the materials and animation blending changes, it will show Roblox to be a highly unreliable and unviable game development platform as a whole. Developers cannot keep taking the bullet for these kinds of things and it is frankly exhausting at this point.

The best possible solution in this case is a complete overhaul of the preexisting copyright moderation in place for the library. Youtube has existed for years upon years with its DMCA takedown system and copyright detection (which to note, is far, far superior to what Roblox currently has in place) and a similar method could definitely be implemented here instead of the absolutely catastrophic and game-breaking changes Roblox has appeared to attempt to settle this issue with.

In the unlikely event that any members of the Roblox team are actually reading this Iā€™d just like to say that despite all this working on the platform as a developer has been a complete joy in the past and the effort you guys have previously demonstrated in regard to developers and improvements to the engine have usually been incredible. With that, developers cannot continue to be forced to continuously rework and fix massive portions of their games in order to compensate for random arbitrary changes like this. It has to stop otherwise it threatens the viability and reputation of both Roblox as a game development platform and as a whole. Why should developers take Roblox seriously as a game development platform in the slightest if everything they work on can be completely ruined the very next day because of massive platform-wide game-breaking changes like this being rolled out seemingly at random? Changes with gargantuan consequences for the entire platform like this have become all too common and we cannot keep going on like this.


This is one of the Robloxā€™s WORST updates I would say is this is bad for games who used songs or sounds from toolbox or from another account.


BRAVO!!! One of the greatest replies Iā€™ve seen regarding this topic.


I wholeheartedly agree. My issue is that the deadline is March 22nd, and what I do not see Roblox being reasonably able to do is implementing a proper form of audio filtering; given that Roblox effectively had a total of 14 years to resolve moderation issues related to audios. To me, it just seems like they would rather do anything but actually improve audio asset moderation.


I hate this update, Iā€™m currently on development and I usually always use other peopleā€™s audio, now i find out that I canā€™t use those anymore, oh whatā€™s this? free audio uploads? oh nevermind, I can only upload 10 per MONTH. Honestly I am so mad at this update. Probably the worst update for small developers, Roblox achieved the opposite thing they were trying to.


Can you please, at the very least, let us at least pay Robux to upload additional audio when weā€™ve hit our limit? I just blew through my entire monthly upload allowance in a single day and I still need to upload MORE. Iā€™m not interested in hacky methods like uploading multiple clips in a single audio file; the fact that developers on this platform even need to resort to such measures is a complete joke in and of itself.

I had no issue uploading over the limit on the day this was announced, but they seem to have enabled the limits for me now. We simply cannot wait 5-6 months in order to upload all of the audio we need. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible.


Here you go

Baseplate.rbxl (32.7 KB)

Iā€™m in the same boat.

10 audio upload limit, 50+ audios, and I have to reupload them for each of my 3 groups.

Such a joke that weā€™ve reached this point - there is legitimately nothing I can do to prevent my games from breaking and it is genuinely depressing and demotivating.

All my hard work is about to go down the drain because I have no way to upload the audios I need for each of my games, and I know this is the same case for much of the other people in this thread.


Best reply Iā€™ve seen in the past so days of this thread being up. Roblox HAS to listen to us if they wanna get any further with the platform, they canā€™t just do things and expect everyone to be cool with it without communicating in some way first.


:red_circle: A lot of people are uploading the same sounds they have in their game (found in the Toolbox) and so am I. What about to avoid reuploading existing sounds on the platform you guys add a button beside each Sound that appears in the plugin so that will allow us to check for Copyright.

:yellow_circle: As far as I am seeing many sounds are getting copyrighted meaning the way of checking sounds has totally changed. In short, when we click this button, a request will be sent for the sound to be checked and then if it passes the check, it will let us use the sound. (This would be less frustrating than uploading sounds like crazy).

:green_circle: I honestly donā€™t know what else to do, thatā€™s why I am saying this, a lot of sound effects that I used from the Toolbox are like 6+ seconds and some important sounds in my game too.

:large_blue_circle: Also, could you guys offer an example on how to achieve this:

There is no API that letā€™s you grab sounds with a certain name from the Catalog. A lot of people says that we need an external API for us to use (to be able to make calls using HttpService) and make calls to the Roblox Website.

:heart: Everyone who needs to reupload audio, search for this extension, it does the job. (I thought it was a virus at first but looks like is not). Just download the audio using this extension and then re-upload it. (This is not advertising, I am just recommending it to those that are recording sounds and reuploading them).


this is a nice solution
except for one thing
you MIGHT be stuck in a worst case scenario where your game uses a TON of sounds
and you have a very low monthly audio limit
not even MENTIONING that it takes an eternity to moderate these sounds


itā€™s not their problem? nah dude please :rofl:


bro why do some of my sound effects not work but a whole song from the NMH OST does, wacko update dude


Gotta love how ROBLOX thinks that 10 uploads a month is totally fine for every developer out thereā€¦ Oh you want more? Yeah just give us your identification bruh weā€™ll add 90 that should be ā€œgood enoughā€


Roblox is a little confused with the word ā€œfrictionlessā€ , sure big developers and the seemingly random people who got 2k audio uploads will be fine. But any new developer has to wait months-years just to be able to publish a single game with audio, when you can only upload 10 audio per month.

Iā€™ve been working for six months on a game and now this audio constraint effectively halts my ability to publish my game in the near future.

Thereā€™s not even any documentation on how to ā€œearnā€ the ability to upload 2k audio a month. Iā€™d be happy just knowing how and when I can get the 2k budget.

Of course I could give an ID but a: I might not be 18 and b: I might not want to. I get why they did the ID thing but itā€™s still a massive wall for new developers.

ā€œOur ultimate goal of making the platform frictionlessā€

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Minimum of 20 audio a week (no id) / 200 audio a week (id) / 2000 audio a week (special club) or bust