i think this is an incredibly terrible update, even if a game is new there can still be a chance that some scripts can use functions that check a sound’s time (like sound.Ended) it can cause some mechanics or worse the entire game to break if the developers have abandoned the project or isn’t planning to update it soon
though this can be preemptively fixed by using separate threads but there’s no way a sound issue can occur in the first place (unless the sound gets moderated)
While this whole thing seems bad they did specifically say we would receive a lot of new SFX. It will affect small creators don’t get me wrong but, since small creators more likely than not don’t have an active player base (like me), they have all the time in the world to fix their game (unless they have a deadline.)
People have already talked everything else to death so I will not talk about those issues here.
If you hover over the number, it will show 0. This is most likely because it had an error loading during studio startup. Either just studio being dumb or it was copyrighted but not named [Deleted for Copyright]
Here is the source link with Monstercat’s inventory before removing some of their songs.
Should we expect more Monstercat Official songs to get banned? Since we can’t use songs from different users/groups, we would like to be able to at least rely on the official ones.
I uploaded this song from NoCopyrightSounds, https://www.roblox.com/library/9064921012
and all the music uploaded to that YouTube channel is copyright free, yet Roblox removes it for copyright. Also the wait for moderation is pretty long considering we can’t use any audios longer than 6 seconds publicly after March 22.
Edit: I also had another sound from the same YouTube channel being used one of my ̶g̶a̶m̶e̶s̶ experiences. So it seems like Roblox is just deleting these at random.
Maybe attempt upload via the roblox website? I’ve never bothered with using asset manauger personally. I’m just into the habit of uploading all my stuff via the website.
If you have a group and the game is owned by the group and you’re the group owner you could make alts and then give them a rank in the group that has permissions to upload audio onto the group. Sure. You’d need to make several of them depending on how much you need to reupload.
Not releasing these features at the same time is unacceptable and honestly appalling. Showing very little respect for developers in this situation. Since you’re replying you’re obviously reading the thread, you see all of the criticism, and I know that it’s not up to you to make these decisions and you’re just the one that’s giving us the information, but are you guys even trying to help the community at all through this, because it seems that you guys honestly just put this in place and said “Yeah, they’ll figure it out, it won’t affect them, 2 weeks is a great amount of time to move all audio because they won’t be able to share it to other contexts on the day they all go private.” The lack of even an ounce of respect from the roblox staff here is just sad.