[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

I’m pretty certain that any existing audio that goes private will not work, because scripts will not be able to fetch the audio file.

Good question, and I’m not too sure. But this is certainly the hottest topic of the month!

There are already petitions and angry tweets on this change to audio.

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Soon it will be games oh wait no i mean experiences now i know why its been changed to that, So we can experience pain and silence. Watch them not even bother to reply to this post and also watch in a months time they are going to say this:

Dear developers we are always pushing out pointless updates so here is another one for you lol,
on april 4th all games will be made private unless they are made by roblox, and you can not make them public until we decide (basically never XD)


i could not understand a single thing you wrote.

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this update is sheer terrible


I swear if they do something like that, might as well develop on some other platform.

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they’re “aggressively” working on more “features”, stop being so hard on them!


Do you have any idea how much the plaintiffs were requesting? It’s possible they already paid and are under a court order to make these changes.

Not even a corporation as big as Roblox can feasibly license millions of audio files with hundreds more added every hour. That is an unrealistic expectation.

Further features is replying to granular options of who can use your audio and who can’t.

Yes, we’re all suffering. Join the club. Maybe take a realistic mindset instead of a strictly biased one or you’ll just end up loathing them for something that’s currently outside of their control. It eats you alive.


That is sort of ridiculous, as they have been uploaded before as you said. Also, i agree with you on group games.

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The thing is that if roblox doesn’t offer some sort of refund they could be sued for not supplying something we paid for with our money

Edit: I looked into it and in some places you can 100% sue for not getting the supply you paid for.


Whats worse is that audio longer than 6 seconds will only work if it is on the same user/group that the game is on. AUDIO uploaded on a user not working in games in a group made by the same user and vice versa? WHO THE HECK DO THEY THINKTHEY ARE


refund…or better just make audio public by default


Hey developers,

Thank you for all the feedback you’ve shared here. We have a brief update on some of the steps we are taking to address the issues surrounding the upcoming privacy changes.

We will be locking this thread, so please continue the discussion in the new [Update] Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio announcement.



We have started to roll out the audio asset privacy changes - all new audio uploads will default to Private and many existing audio assets that are longer than 6 seconds will be set to Private. Because of these changes, music in some experiences may no longer play.

We are still working diligently to address your feedback surrounding today’s privacy changes. Read more about what we’ve done to minimize the impact on SFX and learn how to use the new permission system for audio assets here.

Thank you