.Activated and MouseButton1Click not working for mobile users

Yep, creating a new button does activate the .Activated event.

You might wanna try your mute system inside the new ScreenGui to see if that works as well

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It doesn’t activate in the new ScreenGui.

Do you have any backdoor breaking your scripts?

No, I create all of my scripts from scratch.

Since it’s deprecated, I’m assuming this has something to do with the UICorner instance that you have under the button. This instance is pretty new to Roblox so it might be the case where they forgot to implement it with .Activated, it would explain why MouseButton1Click works as that’s the recommended method of sensing client input on a GUIButton.

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Yeah, it could be compatibility, however .MouseButton1Click doesn’t work either.

Confused now, If MouseButton1Click isn’t working, its either that the event is getting silenced as in the case when using ContextActionService or your code is never reaching that line that connects the event to a callback.

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I’m not using CAS, and it works on computer which is weird. I put all the info you asked for in post 16

Full script is in post 4

I see the issue now. It’s most definitely your Z-Index that’s messed up. Try setting the TextButton’s Z-Index to 10. This will make sure that your button isn’t fighting with other elements to be sensed on the screen. The behavior changes with mobile inputs too which would explain why it’s only working on PC.

EDIT: Make sure to mark as solved, when you’ve observed the behavior :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah I totally agree with what @Zexali said I believe that your script isn’t really reaching the part where it connects into the .Activated event, as you said that it works on other scripts using .Activated

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I feel so stupid. It finally worked, thank you guys so much!

Basically here’s a summary of what I did (it’s too much lol)
Changed ZIndex
Changed Active to false on labels/frames
Changed Active to true on buttons
Changed Activated to MouseButton1Click

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Yeah it’s probably the stacking of multiple GUI elements, that sometimes messes up the GUI perspective for touch / mobile. Make sure to mark your post as the solution for other people to advantage of this!


btw it wasn’t necessary to change Activated to MouseButton1Click; @Zexali got the two confused. Activated is the recommended event.


It’s alright, as long as it works. I was getting so frustrated and couldn’t figure out why haha.