Active Remove Event won't let me close the GUI

I’m trying to make a advanced dialog with gui’s and activating it, with a proximity prompt. If I however press the goodbye dialog choice, it should actually disable the screengui, but it doesn’t. So here is my question: Can you disable a screengui while a remove event is onclientevent? If yes/no, then what should I improve/how should the script be?

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It should be able to, could we see the script if possible?

Yes, here it is

Proximity Prompt script

game.ReplicatedStorage.EventDialogStart:FireClient(player) --EventDialogStart is the name of the remote event

Closing the GUI

script.Parent.MouseButton1Click: Connect (function()
game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.Enabled = false

Oof, the reason why it isn’t working is cause you’re changing the StarterGui instead of the PlayerGui, plus you didn’t even connect the ClientEvent from the local standpoint so change this:

script.Parent.MouseButton1Click: Connect (function()
game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.Enabled = false

To this:

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

    Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Enabled = false
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Alright, thanks for the help! I think I’ll use it

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One (final) question, where does this script go to? Because I think I messed up.

Edit: It doesn’t work, so I guess I need more help…?

That line of codes should go in the LocalScript? If you put it in the server script it won’t work that way

I want to see whats firing the Client tho.

Oh thank you I didnt see it before!

Yes I know, but where does the local script go to? Like does it go to StarterGui?

Ah, alright then Ill explain it:
LocalScripts will only work if they’re parented (Or I guess a descendant) of:

  • StarterPack
  • StarterGui
  • Starter Player/CharacterScripts
  • ReplicatedFirst

You can put it in StarterGui really if that’s the best choice

Is that the OnClientEvent script or the mousebutton event?

The OnClientEvent function- What were you doing with the MouseClick function?

The mousebuttonclick should be a goodbye dialog for the gui

Just replace the MouseButtonClick function with that OnClientEvent function & it should work