Actor inherits from PVInstance and Model

This is a very simple, likely visual bug, Actors seem to inherit from PVInstance and Model when they shouldn’t, as they are used for parallel execution of Luau scripts.

maybe because they do


They do when they shouldn’t… that’s the entire bug.

Actors wouldn’t have the same use as a PVInstance nor would they be used as models, so this inheritance is unnecessary unless Roblox is making something with that behavior?

its not a bug when its intended behavior. also, what do they want them to do? to remove it? and break tons of scripts that rely on the fact that they do inherit from models?

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actually actors were meant to be used as replacement for characters (or any sort of entity), so they can have their own independent script to use for themselves


I’m just saying it looked like it was a unintended behavior left from the time they were being worked on, maybe the Roblox developer who was working on it made it this way and forgot to change the behavior or remove the inheritance.

Also what scripts would rely on that sort of behavior what? Like there would be no use case to use “actor” as a Model or PVInstance…

If Roblox staff say this was intended behavior I’d accept it, but so far this is looking like it isn’t.

Also the bug report is made to just remove this inheritance if it is no longer going to be used this way to avoid any confusion that’d be made from people discovering this as a form of Model.

Oh this is interesting, do you have a source for this? Because if so that’d be the “solution” to this bug in this case.

It is mentioned in the preview announcement.


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