So I am planning either to create an Ad or Game sponsor my TGAR Game but I am not sure which one to do now since everything is different. From your experience which one gave you more players in your game?
This has been discussed a million times, and it will be literally so, soon.
I feel like it depends. If done correctly, both forms of advertising can be great.
You need an eye-catching icon when you’re sponsoring. Bright colors and stuff. Once you’ve gotten an eye catching icon, what you need to do is make sure people would be likely to click. Next step is getting them to actually play, so make sure your description is good.
Advertisements for me have been the best so far. 500+ robux advertisements have gotten around a 0.5% CTR. This is not the best, but pretty decent for an advertisement made by someone that doesn’t do professional GFX. You need to show players what to do in your game and also make it eye catching. If there’s a special event, show players what the event is about.
Sponsors have done terribly for me which kinda shows that my icon (again, I’m not a professional GFX artist) is kinda bad. Maybe they just don’t want to play the game, which is a tycoon game. It’s a unique tycoon game, sure, but people probably wouldn’t get that from just an icon.
I see, Would this count as an eye catching Logo? I am a solo dev so I don’t really hire devs because of how much people would charge things now in days and it’s just crazy.
Look pretty eye-catching to me.
Oh Okay thanks! Later on I’ll try to make it little more detailed in the future when I am done with the main stuff.
Of course. ___________________________
If you have something to say, then you’ll use ads. If your game is generic or fully self-explainable, use sponsorships, easy.