I’ve tried re-uploading the skyscraper ad many times, but each time, it becomes a different format size.
And now:
My AD:
I’ve tried re-uploading the skyscraper ad many times, but each time, it becomes a different format size.
And now:
My AD:
I did, I set it to 160x600 exactly, I am 100% sure.
it would be a glitch , and i didnt use any ads so i dont know anything about this
Np! Thanks for trying to help!
Thanks a lot! I appreciate it.
It might be the fact that you’re begging for attention instead of making an ad that actually represents what you’re advertising? Try making your ad more about the game or group, and less about how you spent all your Robux on it.
The preview isn’t a bug, it is simply trying to fit the entire image into the preview. When displayed on site, it is normal.
You may have the warning because that ad could be considered clickbait from some people’s point of view.
How can I know that? I’m not going to run ads just to see how it looks.
The warning is justified, the AD is clickbait and clickbait is specifically banned in ToS.
I see so many clickbait ad though. And how is it inappropriate?
“clickbait is specifically banned in ToS.” I guess that was just the generic reason they selected.
I assume they just slip through, moderation isn’t 100% perfect.
My ad,
It’s just a display issue!
Thanks, is it a bug that should be reported?
I would say no, it appears perfectly fine, and it’s a small display issue.
This occurs for other assets too, so no.
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