I’ve got this custom rig setup where the arms of the character are connected to a joint part in the torso rather than just being connected to the torso itself. It looks like this:
(This is because I want to be able to point the arms of the character up at the cursor when holding a gun)
I was hoping I would be able to load the normal animations on to the animationcontroller as well as the humanoid, so that it plays animations mostly normally, but it hasnt worked and my character just has really motionless arms. I was wondering if there was any way to set it up so that this is possible, or just some way to easily adapt animations to fit the custom rig. Either that, or I just find a better way to move the arms without having to deal with a custom rig.
I’ve had an issue like this some time ago.
The best you can do to adapt a custom rig to work with normal animations, is renaming the joints and bones to what an R15 avatar would have, RightLowerArm, LeftHand, etc…
I’m not too sure if it’s going to work by renaming directly in studio, so I would suggest doing so in a 3d editing program like blender.
Also, if this rig of yours is made of parts/unions, you also need to make sure the orientation of said parts are correct, otherwise when playing a normal animation it might rotate the wrong way, or not move at all.
…Or maybe you mean something else, in any case, let me know.
Forgot to clarify, but the rig is just a modified R6 avatar made out of normal parts, just with the extra joint part connected to the arms. I might just have to bite the bullet and make custom animations for the rig, because what im doing is taking animations made on a normal R6 rig and playing them on the AnimationController, which doesnt work because the arms on that rig were connected to the Torso and not the Joint, meaning they only play when I connect the Motor6Ds back to the torso.
Could you show how they look like? That could help clarify what exactly you want to do.
This is what the rig looks like, with the highlighted grey part in the middle being the added joint part.
I’m not too sure what that is, but if it’s some sort of armature/something that attaches to a limb, you’re better off using a WeldConstraint rather than a Motor6D.