Adaptive Subtitle | Create subtitle in your game

Adapitive-Subtitles | Version - 1.3.0

英文简介/English Language

What does this script do? The script is now almost complete
By calling a function with one parameter, the developer can display subtitles on the screen and automatically use TweenService to play animations (appear and disappear)
The script is almost finished, currently you can use the function by calling this function, different character length will change the X size of the frame, when there are multiple subtitles will be automatically sorted dynamically, will continue to update later

Script Feature:

  • Adapts to all text lengths
  • Animated appearance effect
  • Animated disappearing effect
  • Height customization

中文简介/Chinese Language



  • 自适应文本长度
  • 动画出现效果
  • 动画消失效果
  • 高度自定义

Made By Aidaren - 究极挨打人

QQ: 3026297142

微信: AidarenADR

Discord: Aidaren#5009

If you can’t watch video check this link


i dont think its useful because alot of people can make it but way better


I know, but I created this script is to facilitate developers to debug their content, such as a feature to turn on or off.


With “adaptive”, you just mean that it sizes with the given string?

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Yes, but if you have any other feature that “adaptive” should be, just tell me i will try to make it better

Can’t understand why people sometimes are being too critical.

Good job, I appreciate your effort you put into it, I believe it’d be useful or an inspiration for some people :slight_smile:


A lot of people also can’t make it. Not everyone is a programmer, nor does everyone want to remake the wheel in their projects. There is a place for simple and efficient solutions.

Please include constructive feedback/criticism vice bashing the resource.

@ OP

I like the attention to UX by integrating TweenService. I think you could expand this a little further. Perhaps, allow developers to specify a TextLabel - in case they want to integrate the mechanics but choose their own display? Also, what is the DevMode parameter? It doesn’t seem to be integrated anywhere else, but I’m curious where you were going with/if it’s being added later.

Your code is also exceptionally neat. It’s very readable and nice to view.


DevMode is for my past version, in this version i already del them because useless, i will give some feature to this mode in future. btw thank for you support

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aww man, it would have been great if it could transcribe roblox audios or voice chat.


Okay but what game on Roblox other than RoBattles (or whatever that youtuber game was called) has voice lines that need subtitles?

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欧,我可爱的挨打人!!做的太好看了strong text


look this reply now its main for devloper but i will give more feature that you can use for game

It’s for the people that can’t make it. Honestly, there’s always that one guy on the Devforum that just bashes everyone’s work with no constructive critiques whatsoever. If it’s so easy to make (and in your words: “way better”), why don’t you make a better version?

Just let people be proud of their work, man. It’s really not that hard.


never seen a subtitle module/resource posted before, this is pretty great!
i love the simplicity and customizability, thank you for sharing this resource!


Gee, you sure are incredibly rude. Let the guy share his resources, if it’s a problem to you then keep it to yourself.


oh, that’s a great moudle ! keep going ~ you are best…

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I think It is best module script!
P100 XD

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Do I put it in a module script? Thats what I did in RS. I want it to say something when a prox prompt is triggered how do I call it outside the script?

Don’t listen to the critics, this is better than I expected it to be

Btw I am just starting my journey on programming, how do I trigger this script and edit the subtitles? I tried to edit the text but I cannot trigger it.

A bit late tho

Sry for delay reply and code like this

    AdaptiveSubtitle("Skills are not ready!!" , 0.1 , 4 , 0.1 , 0.08 , false)
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