Add a new bug reporting catagory

As a Roblox Developer, i often find visual bugs, really small bugs within events or somewhere else that are just way too small to report as normal bugs and this would probably take up ressources from Roblox Staff aswell. As theres already a #bug-reports:documentation-issues catagory i have the idea to add a “Visual Bugs” catagory aswell. The documentation issues catagory is for spelling errors on but nowhere else.

There are certain parts of the Roblox Platform that often got many small issues that doesn’t seem big enough for a normal catagory such as #bug-reports:roblox-application-and-website-bugs. My idea here is to add a “Visual Bugs” catagory where roblox staff sometimes can look into that contains spelling errors, really small bugs, outdated information, etc that is seperated from normal bug reports.

For example, outdated information is often provided inside but as this often seems to just take up too much ressources for Roblox Engineers if you put it in a normal catagory. As theres already a “Documentation Issues” catagory regarding creator docs stuff then why not generally for the roblox platform aswell?

Bugs that could be reported in this catagory:

Bugs that couldn’t be reported in this catagory:

This would probably encourage more developers to report small bugs as this and gives roblox engineers a bigger oversight regarding small bugs like this and can be fixed quickly. This would seperate Roblox Staff with big and small bugs more and can probably be managed more easily