Thanks for the report.
I think this error is coming from the fact that you may have opened this message while the previous one was still loading.
I’ll try to find a way to fix this issue.
Have a great day!
Should I add the possibility to add a ROBLOX asset to messages? (Image, audio, video (marketplace asset, maybe?))
- Yes.
- No.
0 voters
Okay, 50/50, I guess I’ll juste not add it, I don’t want to ruin the current experience…
Nope. that was the first message I opened
It seems the game has bugged, messages are no longer appearing when confirmed. Also, mobile UI is messed up, most prominent in the updates log
What do you mean exactly when you say that the game has glittched when confirmed? Also, I strongly recommend playing horizontally because the game has been developed for horizontal screen.
Mmmmmh, this is strange, I’ll try to fix it later…
Hello, this issue was caused by a dumb scripting error; I fixed this problem and it shouldn’t happen again. Thanks for your report!
71/29 now, so majority wins
But you can do whatever you want
Oh; I see. I’ll try to start with images share.
Hello everyone (if anyone is still reading this) !
I made a new update that adds the following changes & features:
- I added a feedback button in the game; It is limited to 1900 characters and you can only send one feedback each 10 minutes.
- You can now take a look at the previous updates!
- I also added a filter button
You cannot send your message before filtering your content, no ### anymore!
- I added moving gradients:
- I also created a 10R$ game pass to increase limit to 3,000 characters instead of 500 without the game pass.
- Finally, I added this small trash can for exploiters
If you exploited on the game, your message will be moved to the trash can and you’ll be kicked.
Hello everyone, it’s been a while!
You can check the change log of the game here: Memories | Change log
Hello, I know it’s been a while but I wanted to let you know that the game has been updated since then and there shouldn’t be any issue with the filter anymore.
I played your game again and it was awesome. I have no suggestions, honestly, I couldn’t imagine anything you’ve done with it myself. It’s a small idea but implemented nicely. If I were to try doing what you did, the game would be terrible.
One bug I found, your NPC near the house still has some 2023 countdown code and it does occasionally run.
This game deserves more visits.
Thank you a lot for your kind words means a lot to me!
Yeah, I haven’t updated the NPC’s dialogs yet.
I still have some bugs spotted and few ideas to add
I might have found a bug
I cant like messages apparently
And the leaderboard does not go from highest to lowest
It was nice to come back to it though, seeing my old name!
Yup! Thanks for reporting, I’m aware about those.
Leaderboard wasn’t my priority and likes seems to be linked to the recent migration onto an external database due to roblox’s datastores’s size limit being way too little (5MB).