Add a Separate Category for Shirts and "Classic" Shirts

As a Roblox developer, it is currently hard for shirt creators and other developers or even community users in Roblox to purchase what they desire in the Shirt category.

My Experience:
I tried searching a simple Roblox T-shirt since the name of the T-shirt had the word “Imperial” in it, it gave in different results, what’s worse is that it took me a long time to find the desired t-shirt for I have to scroll down numerous ugc created shirts, and over some classic shirts. This also applied to shirts as when I searched for the shirt since the word, “Imperial” was also on it I had to scribe down to find what I desire, yet it took too long and repeated same search before I found the product, as I noticed the ugc clothes and other classic shirts are blocking the certain product I was trying to find. It would’ve been easier for the community in mobile devices to access their desired products, or such when it came to shirts and t-shirts as the search of “shirt” alone and placing it “Clothes” in the category requires longer scribing and sometimes because of the scribing down it passes through the desired product without the customer finding it.

If Roblox addressed this issue…
It would certainly help shirt makers and customers who are searching for specific products such as classical shirts and t-shirts aside from the “Shirt” section, secondly it’d be easier for clothing groups to have their product easily seen without the hindrance of recommendation of wrongful ugc shirts shown when it has the same word in its name. Thirdly, this would be easier and accessible for mobile users to be able to find again, the specific product required without having to do repeated searches and scrolling down, and or passing, unawaringly of their product due to the appearances more of “Shirts”. This would also address the issue of having a harder time in searching of certain producs within the “Avatar Shop” search filter. This would also help Developers as their products are easily going to be seen when they placed their classical shirt or t-shirt product, without making their customers have a harder time find them with the other “Shirt” products who’s placed ontop of Classical Shirts and T-shirts.