Add a separate category for talent hub FAQ and queries

As a Roblox developer, it is very difficult to get queries related to talent hub queries. There isn’t a place to ask talent hub related queries and questions, seeing how Roblox implemented it without any FAQ. Yes, it’s still a unfinished project, but it wouldn’t harm to have FAQ, which can be updated accordingly, whenever the talent hub gets an update.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because the FAQ would be answered by Roblox staff themselves, and not on assumptions of many other people.

There would also be a separate sub category for community to community help.


There’s a FAQ in the announcement:

If that’s insufficient ask the poster to append the details you need.

Announcements get closed 4 months after last reply. What is needed is a pure FAQ category.

Not to mention, the topic could get cluttered up God knows where and would be a job to retrieve it everytime we need it.

A persistent FAQ like that should live on the Talent Hub or the support pages, not on the devforum, it has nothing to do with the devforum. They can make a help page about it.

It’s not only about FAQ, its about asking questions related to talent hub too. Sometimes, roblox can give vague FAQs which would leave the reader in confusion. So my suggestion is to create a separate category for that because currently, there is no where else to ask such questions.

If this is what you envision a category like that to look like:

This makes no sense and should be a help page. Roblox staff don’t browse help categories and such a talent hub help category would have way too much noise for it to be actually feasible.

Forum topic/category makes sense when it requires community interaction (community-to-community help/feedback, community-to-staff feedback)

That is what is my request about.

Roblox staff themselves can answer few FAQs. If readers still have doubt then they can create a help topic related to talent hub.

You might want to reformat your feature request to mention this is not just for staff to answer questions. Currently you have it written along the lines of “I want a category where only Roblox staff can answer questions about Talent Hub” which doesn’t really make sense.

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