Add a shortcut for deleting the current line in the script editor

Add a shortcut for deleting the current line in the script editor

As a Roblox developer it is currently annoying to delete a line if you realize you don’t need it, since it requires either selecting the line (which requires either moving the mouse or several keystrokes that are either awkward or time consuming) or holding down backspace, which is not ideal. I often write lines and realize after the fact that they weren’t necessary, and being able to delete it with a keystroke is preferable to the current methods for deleting a line.

The main use for this is simple utility, as it would reduce the overall time spent deleting lines, which does come up reasonably often, to the point that programs like Notepad++ and Visual Studio have dedicated shortcuts for it. I use the shortcut in Visual Studio Code for offsite projects every now and again, and it’s generally a quality of life improvement.

I’ll admit that there aren’t many specific use cases for this shortcut, but that’s because it is, as I said, a quality of life feature, and not something that has a specific use; hopefully it’s obvious to engineers and programmers why would be useful.