Add ability to see who read your topic

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to see who has read my post if nobody has replied or liked it.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because I would be able to see if my post is active.

This would be better posted as a request on

Hey there, I don’t think this makes sense from a privacy POV. After you have at least 1 reply, you can see total “views” count of your thread. (as you can see now on this thread)

Gentle reminder: please write your feature requests as problem statements rather than as specific proposed solutions like this. We want to know about your underlying problems rather than specific solutions that might not be appropriate.


I don’t agree with it snitching on what I read, but in modern Discourse you can see the view graph. This is a huge feature and I’d really like to see it here but given we have the discourse 2.0 style user menu and profiles it’s gonna be a long while :frowning_face:

I’m not sure what the advantages are for using the stable branch due to all of the features we’re missing (i asked for the sidebar back in 2022 which would still be a huge addition) but it’s been stuck like this for a while now.

This isn’t a “the forum isn’t updated thing”; you can tell because a lot of the styles exist behind classes and you can hack in things that are disabled otherwise


We need to be on the stable branch because otherwise we are subject to whatever Discourse decides to do with their implementation from version to version, which can differ significantly (that’s why there’s a “stable” branch vs non-stable branches). We’d have to update all of our custom code and styling a lot more than we do on the stable branch. We don’t have that kind of bandwidth to spend on non-impactful work like this compared to shipping other things like e.g. Creator Hub features which our team also owns.

There is also not a huge priority for us to adopt some of these features nor may they be aligned with what we are trying to do with the forum. For example, adopting “new user profiles” doesn’t necessarily make sense for us if we have on the roadmap to have better Roblox creator profiles in general.


Solved a while ago, locking this to close it out