Add ability to see your devforum moderation history (including "feedback")

Hello! I think we should be able to see our moderation history on this forum. I think that this will allow users to better learn from their past mistakes so they can improve from them. One potential issue with this is the possibility of users sharing their moderation history. However, discussing your moderation on the forums is against the rules so we could remind (or punish) them if they do that.

I would love to know your thoughts on this feature request.

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You can find them in your inbox, it just takes some time if you PM people a lot.

Every time you get moderated you should read the moderation act anyway, if they don’t already read it, adding this feature will do nothing.

  • It’s eventually going to get removed like they did with keeping a log of your moderation history on the main website

  • Also feedback is given via DM’s and feedback isn’t moderation. The only moderation action on the forum is strikes

  • If someone can’t learn from a feedback DM, then what makes you think that by keeping a log of it, they will?

  • Not only would it cause people to show it and disagree with it, but also show it off (pls don’t ask why people like showing off their lengthy moderation actions, but it does happen)


Why do you keep saying this when you’ve been corrected a bunch? This is just untrue:

  • There’s a maximum number of accepted flags you can have if you want to be promoted

  • People can be suspended outright with no strikes for a bad enough offense

  • The rules say enough feedback in a short period will net you a strike:

    Please also note that receiving an unreasonable amount of feedback messages in a short period of time, especially for the same rule violation, puts you at risk of receiving a strike.


You get a DM whenever you get feedback / get a strike, so just search your DMs?

Example search query:

in:personal group:DevEngagementTeam in:first

I don’t think it would be a great idea. We used to have a log of moderation on the main Roblox site (example below) and it was then removed. Plus, as other people are saying, if a person doesn’t take time to read a message regarding a moderation action, why would they take time to read a list of their moderation actions?

Here is an example of how the Roblox moderation log looked like:

  • Ban 1 Day: Please do not spam on Roblox.
  • Warn: This audio is too loud for Roblox.

Plus, if a person has learned from their mistakes, having an unclearable list of all their past mistakes might be uncomfortable for some.
Also, if you really want to view your moderation, you can view your past received messages.

The only moderation is strikes and it is not incorrect.

It says if you get a lot of feedback within a very short amount of time, but it doesn’t say it’s actually a modration action

But strikes are a moderation action. They actually punish your account

Not really a punishment, like strikes actually prevent you from using your account as they are associated with at least a 1-day ban iirc

That is what 3 strikes gets you, so strikes are punishment

but a moderator telling you “hey don’t do this again” isn’t punishment

You can can removed immediately for having a bad enough offense, which was what I was referring to when I said “People can be suspended outright with no strikes for a bad enough offense.” Do you even read my posts?

How is getting locked out of promotion permanently “not a punishment”? This doesn’t even make sense. Just because you’re already promoted and might not get demoted for getting flagged a bit doesn’t mean that others like the idea of being permanently locked out of promotion. That is absolutely a punishment.

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Source? That members can completely lose their chances of getting promoted to regular with no way back?

Pretty sure it’s just a matter of behavior improvement and members can still save themselves

the quotes are broken


I’ve sent you this link twice before, but here:

  • Count of moderator-approved flags against user’s posts :
    (user must be under this threshold)
    tl2_less_than_agreed_flags (default: 10)

This is on the Roblox Devforum Github, so it seems fair to assume that it’s a plugin that the Roblox Devforum uses.

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That doesn’t say that it is impossible for members to become regulars once moderators agree with that many flags against them

Anyways I don’t see why we are arguing over this, feedback isn’t an actual moderation action, only strikes are, can we end it here please?

Regarding your discussion, I kinda agree with @rogchamp on the matter, but staff say that Feedback messages do not affect your account in any way. That could also be false however.

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This isn’t an argument, I’m trying to correct you and you’re being unnecessarily stubborn.

It’s literally a plugin that implements this behavior… This is going nowhere. It seems like you don’t care about helping, just being pedantic and being “right”, so I’m going to stop this after posting this image of the plugin source:
Can a staff or sage clarify whether “moderation action” even has an agreed upon definition?

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It’s all based on flags. Any approved flag counts against that threshold.

Feedback outside of strikes doesn’t really affect your account’s “moderation status”. It may prevent you from automatically ranking up to Regular. It doesn’t prevent you from ranking up to Regular entirely, because there’s also a manual review every so often.

Note that the values in the config file for that plugin are pretty much just random defaults for testing, not necessarily the production configuration.

@rogchamp @sjr04 Please do not unnecessary derail topics and try to be a bit more mellow when having a discussion. Let’s get back on-topic now. (the topic being “add ability to see your moderation history”)