Add an Update Log/Info Page

There is currently no easy way to add an update log/info page to your game. Your options are to:

  • Use the game description. Game descriptions have a very restrictive character limit, and therefore cannot function as a update log. You are unable to keep past updates (the whole point of an update log) and must replace the description with new content. As for information on a game the character limit yet again makes the description not a viable choice. The description shouldn’t function as an update log/info page anyways; a description’s purpose should be to give essentials such as a quick summary, recommended graphics, or creators. More in-depth information requires something like:

  • Using the bulletin board. The bulletin board requires you to leave the main Roblox site and it would be much nicer to provide more information without having to go through a link. The same could be said for:

  • Using Social Links. Along with the aforementioned point of needing an area to provide an update log/info page without leaving the main Roblox site, social links are utterly useless when attempting to provide information to users who are under 13. As for all the social links, Twitch, a Roblox group, Facebook, and Twitter are terrible decisions for reasons ranging from not even having an area to provide updates to containing the same issue to needing to split up rules into individual parts that is no better than the bulletin board. As for Youtube you can only use video format whereas most users wish to use text, leaving Discord the only mildly valid option. Even so, I don’t want to have to leave Roblox.
    Why do I have to use a third-party site?

  • Using an in-game Update Log/Info Page. So I don’t want to have to enter a game in order to find out what the game is nor do I want to have to develop my own page.

I don’t have a solution but the issue certainly still exists. Thank you for considering this feature request.