Add BBCode fully

BBCode is a text formatter thing by Discourse that lets you change the font, color, and size to texts. However, when I tried to use it, it just didn’t work.
I believe BBCode would make a positive impact on the Forum because it would allow users of this Forum to make their posts a little easier to read, and more expressive.


Hey there, here’s a formatting guide for this forum:

font, color

We’re probably not going to add these for accessibility reasons, and the fact that the forum should be readable both on light and dark mode.

size to texts

You can change text size via headings. We would not allow changing this outside of heading limits to avoid accessibility issues.

You can also use images with transparent background to do any effect you’d like to achieve that isn’t supported (even with full BBCode standard implemented).


I’d still appreciate if y’all added fonts, even if you restrict it to a basic set of them. Also, you gotta put the text in a new line for the size thing to work. It’d be better if it was like this:


We likely won’t be able to add the ability to change fonts per post or per portion of the text since it significantly affects accessibility.

For brief size differences within text for emphasis, you can use big and small syntax. We would not provide fully dynamic capability to change text size for accessibility reasons.

you can use <big>big</big> and <small>small</small> syntax
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May I ask to see entire list of such supported tags?
I see Big and small for first time. Mb there’s MORE such tags?
Post you mentioned is not containing all of them, at least cuz no this 2 ones.

These come for free with our forum software (Discourse) so you could look at that software’s documentation to find more supported tags. We haven’t explicitly investigated all that exists, I just happened to know those two existed.


There’s quite a few, I have listed most of them:

what how
italic *italic*
bold **bold**
italic bold ***italic bold***
big <big>big</big>
small <small>small</small>
small but under the line <sub>small but under the line</sub>
strikethrough ~~strikethrough~~
underlined [u]underlined[/u]
key <kbd>key</kbd>
spoiled text [spoiler]spoiled text[/spoiler]

BBCode that works:

  • [b]strong[/b]
  • [i]emphasis[/i]
  • [u]underlined[/u]
  • [s]strikethrough[/s]
  • [img][/img]
  • [url][/url]
  • [code]code[/code]

HTML that works:

  • <a href="">link</a>
  • <strong>bold text</strong>
  • <em>italic text</em>
  • <ul><li>list item</li></ul>
  • <img src="" alt="description">

I found this one:

<del>This is text</del>
This is text

Probably better defining that as subscript.

Don’t forget superscript too!

This is a super piece of text. This is not a super piece of text.

<sup>This is a super piece of text.</sup> This is not a super piece of text.

Oh, and this one goes along with del.

<ins>Oh, and this one goes along with del.</ins>

Discourse also supports checkmarks but it’s not supported here for some reason.

[] test

[] test

Here’s how it should look: