Add Bulk Uploading for Animations

As someone who has to upload animations to Roblox frequently, it would be nice to have a way to bulk-upload animations. The current process of uploading animations is very tedious and time-consuming as each upload requires developers to go through various upload windows. Developers can currently bulk-upload various assets such as icons, meshes, and audio which are all very useful and save a good bit of development time. A feature such as bulk uploading for animations would definitely save me and my team loads of time.



Also, I know my reply is going to get deleted but…

I have over 100 animations that I uploaded to myself instead of my group, and now I have to manually create a dummy animation, upload it to the group, overwrite it with ONE animation from myself, and then rinse and repeat.

Roblox, can you please implement an easy ownership transfer since single user animations don’t play on group games?


This reply may get deleted due to the topic being 1 year old, but this should be a feature (or a beta feature, at least).

I have a lot of tools in my game, and I have to export the animations one by one if I want to replace/add new animations, it’s boring and tiring.

I really hope this topic gets more attention.


Bumping this topic. Why is it that every other type of asset is allowed to bulk-upload except animations? This would be very useful for my work.

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Also bumping. I’m making animated NPC’s and the process is:

upload model, create animation in anim editor, import animation individually, configure loop + priority, save to roblox (remembering to select group ownership so the anim even works), copy the id, make an animation, paste the id.

It is boring, tedious and seems completely unnecessary. What should take 1 minute takes 30.
Please, give us a panel for mass uploading animations!

  • It will list all the files we selected to upload, letting us select Looping and Priority before upload
  • It will let us select the owner (eg group)
  • After upload, it will dump a bunch of Animations into the workspace with the name of the object set to the filename of the animation, and the id set to the animation that was bulk uploaded.

I’m crying realizing I just uploaded my animations to me instead of my group, we need to bulk animation uploads

or atleast make it so it doesnt matter whether its uploaded to you or the group :sparkles::sparkles:

I’m a little late, lol. Animator plus | Custom, optimized animator - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox

Still hoping this gets added soon. I’ve uploaded thousands of animations for my tower defense game and it’s one of the most tedious parts of adding new characters.

Would also be awesome if animations could be uploaded programmatically, similar to [Beta] Lua Asset Creation for Creator Tooling with CreateAssetAsync

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For anyone still looking for this feature, my new plugin allows you to bulk upload!

Unintentionally, this plugin has all of the features requested below:

If you’re interested, here’s a link to it: Bulk Animation Upload — No More Tedious Uploads!

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