Add Collaborative Editing for the Developer Forums

Hi, I am Sky, one of the many users of the DevForums. So recently, I got a good idea. What if collaborative editing was a thing for the Developer Forums? So for example, if you are making a post about your game’s update on the #bulletin-board, and you want to do it with your other teammates, it would be cool. Maybe like have a small chat feature like in team create for Roblox Studio, so they can talk in that chat with also typing the post together. So, would you want collaborative editing in the Developer Forums?

  • Yes!
  • No.

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Thank you for reading and have a great rest of your day. :slight_smile:

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If you do say no, share why you would not like collaborative editing on the Developer Forums.

I don’t really think that this would be used a lot around the developer forums, however, I can see it being used for topics/posts in categories such as the #bulletin-board and #collaboration:recruitment.

This may be a helpful article on that may help:


This feels out of the scope for the forum. You could use instead (or any other collaborative markdown editor).