Add "Commissions" transaction type to group revenue pages

Whenever a third party sale is done in a player’s place; the respective transaction can be viewed under the “commissions” transaction type in the “My Transactions” page. The equivalent of this page cannot be found for a place that belongs to a group and the only way to view transactions of the “commission” transaction type is by downloading the place’s Monthly Revenue Data (CSV) from the Developer Stats of the respective place, however the 10% commission is still added to the pending sales of the group.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Allow Third Party Sales from the Game Settings (Introducing Two Game Security Settings: Third Party Sales & Cross Game Teleports)
  2. Sell an Asset via the MarketplaceService’s PromptPurchase function (MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase)
    game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptPurchase(game.Players.LocalPlayer, 4367427794)

Viewing the “commissions” category in my transactions for a player’s place

Viewing the “commissions” in the Monthly Revenue Data (CSV) of a group’s place

Viewing the 10% commission added in the Pending Sales of the group

Viewing the Sales in the group’s Revenue page