Add faces to editablemesh that has varrying vertices

I created this function that creates a cylinder where you can input the amount of sides the cylinder has.

local function CreateCylinder(Edges:number)
	local emesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMesh()
	local Vertecies = {}
	local Angle = 360
	local CurrentAngle = 0
	for i = 1, Edges do
		local x, y = sin(CurrentAngle), cos(CurrentAngle)
		table.insert(Vertecies ,emesh:AddVertex(, 1, y)))
		table.insert(Vertecies, emesh:AddVertex(, 0, y)))
		CurrentAngle += Angle/Edges
	return emesh

My issue is that I am unsure about how to go about adding the faces reliably as Iā€™m not familiar with the EditableMesh class.

can anyone help me out?

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