Add "Group Games" search category to the Games page

Adding to the drop down menu I screenshotted below, it would be really helpful to specifically see games that belong to a group.

This would be very practical for war clans and group communities in general to be able to quickly find other groups to engage with, or find places that specifically involve themselves in a structured community.

This would be a relatively simple addition and would be extremely helpful to people like myself who make a living on competing with other fighters.

  • This is a helpful addition
  • This is a destructive/pointless addition

0 voters

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Please can we just have group games on profiles PLEASE


How would that be done?

1 Like

Same way as normal games? lol


A simple “Add to profile” button and “Remove from profile” button which can only be used by group members who have a high enough permission level to edit the game. This would work well imo. If you get demoted in the group/leave, it is automatically removed from your profile.

Say 3 people equally worked on a game, they could all 3 showcase it on their profile. In fact, this used to exist because I had all my group games on my profile in the past.


Oh - I understand now. Thanks for clearing that up. I just assumed it would apply to every group member, which could be misleading.

Nope. I am actually sad they removed this, I hadn’t realized until now. I thought it was great that we could add group games to our profiles.

I like how 40% of people voted no probably just because they wouldn’t use it.