How can I make a spacecraft seem like it’s orbiting, but it’s not? So I have an orbital script already. If a player or part/spacecraft moves at a certain speed and altitude it orbits. But I can’t just let my rocket drift of into the distance because of roblox’s nul zone issue. In the game space sailors you orbit for about 3 days before being deorbited. What I need to happen is the illusion of me orbiting. So I am moving, but I dont drift of into the distance. I’m not sure if making it so I teleport back to a position every couple of minutes is a good idea as if someone launches a rocket at the right time their orbit could synchronise with the already orbiting spacecraft. I think what I’ll do is once you choose to deorbit I’ll teleport the ship to a position, deorbit and let it fall into the ocean.
I Still can’t figure this out.
Have you tried making some kind of view of the world that spins instead of moving the actual player? It doesn’t have to be super accurate to the real deal, but a simple model of the world could work. From there you could use math to convert the point of entry into a non-orbit position back on the planet.
The free script I use is called 3D Atmosphere. 3D Atmosphere - Roblox. Now I dont really get the code but what I do understand is that if you go at real life orbital velocity, it manipulates the camera to give the earth is spin. If I anchor my rocket with 25000 studs of velocity the earth still rotates but I cant do this unless I checked to see if an already existing rocket was in that position. If it checked it and a rocket was I could theoretically move the rocket another 1000 or so studs. Again I’m not sure
I would tackle this problem with client side unloading and loading. You can unload other people’s ships and other things that block the way and reload them when needed. Or even easier, just make them invisible.
Okay so you’ve misunderstood what my game is. You hop on a rocket, launch it, it automatically flies up. Now once you reach the required speed and height, you get the option to reenter. If you don’t click it, you just automatically orbit. The ships arn’t controllable and I cant invis the rockets as the player needs to see it aswell. Also if I did that the player will still be visible.
Still can’t figure it out. Idk
You could have the ship move to some point and move it to the other side of the world once it hits a specific point
I could do but like I stated what if someones orbit alignes with an already existing rocket.